Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Interview with Christoper Patrick Nolan - Rogue One A Star Wars Story
Christopher Patrick Nolan is an Irish-British actor born 16th April 1971. He has worked in both TV and Film, most recently playing Toshma Jefkin, the Rebel Alderaanian consular guard escaping with the Death Star plans from Darth Vader in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" final scene
Thank you Christopher Patrick Nolan for your time for the Star Wars Fans.
- In Star Wars Rogue One you playing Toshma Jefkin, the Rebel Alderaanian consular guard escaping with the Death Star plans. How did you get cast for Rogue One and how did you get this specific role?
Jina Jay, the casting director, had seen me in a stage production of Orwell’s 1984 in the West End and invited me along to Twickenham Studios to audition on tape. It was all very secretive and I had no idea what part I was auditioning for. I was just told to come along early and I would be given sides to prepare on the day. So, I arrived early and had to sign a confidentiality agreement before being given two different generic scenes to prepare. The casting director was great and gave me bits of direction after each take. After a couple of days, my agent rang to say they would like to offer me a part in a scene with Darth Vader!
- Were you a Star Wars fan before you got cast?
Yes, I was a big fan as a child. I was born in the early 70's so it was my era. I remember seeing the first three films at the cinema and being blown away. I also remember collecting some of the action figures as well as a TIE fighter.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
Well, one funny story was that the first assistant director always enjoyed calling me to set or to camera position by using my full name instead of just 'Chris', which is normally the case. He did this because after Gareth Edwards,the director, introduced me as 'Christopher Nolan', he loved that it was the same as the famous film director and so enjoyed tricking the rest of the cast and crew into thinking that it was actually the film director who had be brought in to play this small part!
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Star Wars: Rogue One …”
...it was the most enjoyable and amazing experience I've experienced on set. Not only was the set at Pinewood amazing, the director, Gareth Edwards was so brilliant and helpful. To then spend almost a week filming opposite Darth Vader was just an amazing privilege. Everyone, from all the technical crew, the stunt guys, the stunt trainers, costume, special effects, set design plus editing and music supervision, were all at the top of their game and without all these ingredients working so well together, that scene would not have become what it is now! The very final shot in the 'Hallway' of me screaming "Launch!' was actually the very last thing in Rogue One to be filmed! It just worked out that way but after nearly a year filming it ended with "Launch!" which seems right as A New Hope came next!
- You not only played in Star Wars, you also in Stan Lee´s Lucky Man, Humans and some more. What was your favorite role so far?
I do a lot of theatre, but my favourite role on screen is probably Toshma Jefkin in Rogue One. As I said earlier, we shot for almost a week and I loved it all. Although a lot was cut in the final film and in the script I had a lot more dialogue, the scene achieved what we had set out to achieve. Show how terrifying Vader is! So for that reason, I am really proud of it.
- Christopher you ar enot only an actor you also a Set Dresser in Movie´s like Halloween, Candyman 2, Pulp Fivtion and more. What are you doing as Set Dresser?
Before I was an actor, I used to work in film in LA behind the camera as a set dresser. I was lucky enough to work on films like 'Pulp Fiction' , 'The Usual Suspects', 'Candyman' and 'Halloween'. As a set dresser I would help decorate the sets and get them ready for shooting. Then during filming, I would be there to change anything that the director needed or when the camera turned around and was filming in the opposite direction or if an actor needed something particular.
- When you not work as actor or Set dresser what are you doing?
When I'm not working I like to spend as much time as I can with my family. But I am quite busy these days and since the release of Rogue One, I have been very busy with attending Comic Cons and meeting with the fans, which I really enjoy.
- Thank you for your time! Let’s end this interview with some words for the fans?
I'd just like to say a big 'Thanks you' to all the fans for their kindness and support. Everyone has been so kind and welcoming. Star Wars is amazing but it really is the fans who make it the really special thing that it is. Thank you and hope to see you soon!