Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Manu Intiraymi - Interview with the Man behind Icheb
Today i have the pleasure with Manu Intiraymi ,an American television and theatre actor, best known as Icheb on the television series Star Trek: Voyager.
Thank you Manu for your time for this little interview.
- Manu , 14 years after the Star Trek Voyager, what would you say how much changed Icheb your life?
Playing Icheb has changed my life dramatically. It was a huge thrill to work for two years in my young 20's with so many talented actors. It taught me a lot about acting professionally, and camera technique. It gave me my opportunity for this career in film and television, and has allowed me to travel the world to visit so many fans from soak up cultures around the world.
My soul has grown and it's helped me discover what being a good man is all about. I have a lot to thank Star Trek and Icheb for.

- Last year you booked for the Trek Gate to your Stars Convention and this canceled only some days before but you on your way to germany at this time. Then fans starts a little Fan Day and you be spontaneously apart of this. What can you say about this day that you brings many many new fans in germany?
When Trekgate was canceled I was already on my way to Germany. Let me say first that I am a great friend of Fedcon and Dirk, and I would never have even come if I knew I was appearing at a convention in competition with my all time favorite con and favorite convention promoter.
Dirk is one of the last men of true integrity left in the convention world. He cares about the fans, the actors. The Star Trek message, and the overall family he has helped form. But back to the question. When Trekgate did that to me, they canceled my pay, and my hotel room, and I was going to be having a suddenly expensive unplanned trip to Germany. I thought "what the hell?" But I decided to make the best out of it.
When the fans showed up anyway, and decided to have a convention on their own it was nothing more then a Miracle of human passion and kindness. I met so many amazing and kind German and European fans that weekend I was very emotional.
I'll never forget the kindness of the German fan base and cool people like Dennis and Martin and so many others if I named them all you would run out of ink. I can't say enough about how magic that weekend was. True spirit.
With Tim Russ you come back into the Star Trek Universe and your role as Icheb in Star Trek "Renegades". This movie plays nearly ten years after Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, and the Federation is in a crisis. What can you say about your part in this film and how was it back as Icheb?
Renegades was a long strange trip and playing Icheb again was different in a lot of ways. I'll wait to discuss it more after we all see the film together!!! www.startrekrenegades.com
In Renegades you played with "old" friends from the Voyager and Star Trek Originals like Admiral Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig). How was it playing with Walter?
Working with Walter Was fantastic. I truly love that dude. He's an incredible talent and a fine human being. Walter is my type of people. Love him.

Tim Russ is a part of your life, Voyager , Renegades and 5th Passenger an SciFi Horror Film with Tim Russ, Marina Sirtis and Armin Shimerman, whats your part in this movie?
Tim Russ is a good friend, and I asked him to play a part in the film I co-produced because I thought he would be great in it. 5th Passenger is an incredible film, fan supported and partially funded by sci-fi fans!!! I m co producer and play the lead role of a character named Thompson. He is hilarious and was a whole lot of fun to play. I think everyone is going to be truly surprised by the fantastic little nice we made. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook! There is much more to come. www.5thpassenger.com
Let me add that I co-produced 5th Passenger with writer and co creator Director Scott Baker and writer co creator Morgan Lariah as well as Ryan Husk. These are the people behind 5th Passenger
- What are your plans for the future Manu? Will we see you maybe in other Star Trek Project or series like One Tree Hill?
As far as the future goes I have a ton of projects coming up, including a bunch of movies and a possible new television show Called Table Manners. I also will be putting together two more films this year, one called Dark River and another that scifi/horror fans will like that is still in development and super secret, but I may need the fans of these genres support to get them both off the ground and fully funded.
So keep your eyes out for possible kickstarters in the future. Lastly, Im amazed and so thankful for the Star Trek and Sci Fi fans continued support of my art and of my films. Thank you so much everybody!! Also Im painting again and any work that I sell goes strait into my film production company
So thank you to everyone out there that had supported that work as well. I love all of you, and continue to do what all you amazing people do so well. The scifi community supports each other and the belief in the power of our dreams.
Thank you Manu and see you soon back in Germany