Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Aidan Bertola Interview - This is the way
Aidan Bertola is an actor, known for The Mandalorian (2019), 9-1-1: Lone Star (2020) and The Call (2020)
- Thank you Aidan for your time for the Star Wars Fans.
- The dream of every fan is to be in Star Wars. How did you get cast for The Mandalorian ?
1. I got cast for the Mandalorian through an audition. It was actually a self tape ( you take your scene at home and send it in).
- Were you a Star Wars fan before you got cast as Young Din Djarin?
2.Yes I was a big fan of Star Wars! My favorite was Boba Fett.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
3. In one scene with Bernard Bullen, he had to carry me while running. An explosion went off and I kind of jerked and then we both went down on the ground. Another time the director was giving directions and I wasnt following them like he was explaining. Then they realized it was because of the huge wind machine. I couldn't hear him talking to me so they had to set me up with a microphone in my ear.
- Your worked with an former Interview guest Bernard Bullen , who played your Dad in The Mandalorian. What can you tell us working with Bernard?
4. Working with Bernard Bullen was great. He was so nice to me and fun to
work with. He is a very nice guy. We still keep in touch.
- With a role in Star Wars comes a Big Fan Community, what are your first star wars fan experiences?
5. My first Star Wars fan experience was when I got to go to the premiere for the Mandalorian. There were Star War fans waiting . When I got out of the limousine they were calling my name. It was so exciting to see them waiting for us wanting to shake hands and get autographs. I will never forget that feeling . Ever.
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Mandalorian …”
6. Looking back working on Star Wars the Mandalorian, is so far the most exciting experience I've had. I got to work with and meet Mr. Faverau, Taika Waititi, Dave Filoni, Gina Carano, Bryce Dallas Howard, Deborah Chow, Bernard Bullen.
- You not only played in Star Wars, you also in "9-1-1: Lone Star" "Evil Things" and many more. Whats your favorite so far?
7. My favorite to work on was and is The Mandalorian!! It was awesome and exciting. They had explosions and action scenes that were amazing!
- Aidan , Is there something special you would love to do in the future? A special role or actor to work with?
8. One thing I know for sure I would love to work in would be a western movie. I love the movie Tombstone. I would love to work with Kurt Russell one day.
- Thank you for your time Aidan Bertola! Let’s end this interview with some words for the fans?
Do what you love , dont give up on your dreams.
This is the way......
- Thank you and i hope to see you some day on a German Star Wars Convention.