Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

‘Taylor Made’ Aiden Taylor Interview
Ring Name: ‘Taylor Made’ Aiden Taylor
Date of birth: June 1991
Height: 5ft 7
Birth place: Glasgow
Debut: January 2017
Trained by: Rev Pro’s Portsmouth School of Wrestling
Finishers/ Signature Moves: Exploder Suplex, Crossface, Piledriver
Instagram: TaylorMadeAidenTaylor Twitter: TheAidenTaylor
Twitch: TaylorMadeAidenTaylor
- Thank you for your approval for this interview for the "Pro Wrestling Interview Series Tour 2022".
Thank you for asking me to be a part of this.
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
I remember hearing about pro wrestling before I had ever seen it. Kids at school talked about Stone Cold, The Rock and Smackdown video games all the time. Pro Wrestling and Stone Cold were so popular when I was in school that a police officer was asked to come in to talk about the dangers of drinking alcohol. The officer asked us if we knew Stone Cold and what beer he drank and all the kids put their hands up except for me. After the officer gave his talk, he asked if the kids had questions. I put my hand up and asked what channel the wrestling was on. I was laughed at and didn’t get an answer. Shortly after that I found wrestling by flicking through channels. The first match I saw was Kai en Tai vs Too Cool from Sunday Night Heat in 2001.
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
Well, growing up I never thought wrestling was possible for me as every local promotion called itself “American Wrestling.” I assumed that if I wanted to wrestle then I would need to move to the United States, but when I was 19 I found a website for a local promotion that had a school. I emailed them and didn’t get a response so I found their Facebook group and asked how I could join through that.
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
As a kid I took part in every sport I could. Between the ages of 10 to 15 I played Football, Hockey, Basketball, Swimming, Badminton.
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
Yes! I remember being terrified that I would be too small to be taken seriously. The school was in a tiny warehouse that barely fit the ring. You could only walk around two sides of the ring and not every student could fit inside the building. Most of the time was spent just outside the front door to the school and when you were needed in the ring you would go inside. It was the first time I had seen a ring in person and I will always remember the pure excitement I had to go through the ropes. Bumping felt horrible though! But it got easier pretty quickly.
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
My first experience in front of a crowd was a Royal Rumble. I had sold around 30 tickets to friends and family so when I came out I got the biggest reaction. I must have only been in the ring for five minutes but it flew by. The biggest surprise to me was just how different wrestling in front of a crowd is compared to at a wrestling school. With people there to make noise you can slow down, listen to them and react as opposed to at training when there is silence so you rish to make noise and cover the lack of crowd reactions. As for feedback, I remember going through the curtain and everyone was asking me how I got such a reaction. I told them it was “talent.”
- Do you have a ‘dream opponent‘ you want to fight above all others?
I would love to wrestle Zack Sabre Jr. I admire his style so much as it’s very different to what most people do and I’ve tried to incorporate bits of his style into what I do. Being able to experience it first-hand would be incredibly valuable.
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
Two matches stand out. My first singles match was against Jack Fox and the crowd was 50/50 throughout which gave it a special feeling. I also had a match with Dan Magee which we weren’t told about until an hour before a show started. We had very little time but I think it came out well. In terms of highlights, I've been fortunate enough to meet many of my heroes like Kazuchika Okada, Zack Sabre Jr and Colt Cabana.
- What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
I stream on Twitch three times a week, speedrunning retro video games like Tomb Raider and The Legend of Zelda. My channel is Taylormadeaidentaylor if anyone would like to follow and watch. I also play guitar, write music and I am trying to teach myself Japanese.
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can they contact you?
My Twitter or Instagram are good places to start.
Thank you very much for your time , I wish you all the success and especially health! Some words for the Fans at the end?
Please support your local independent wrestling shows. You are not only supporting independent wrestlers and companies but being there in the crowd cheering or booing can do a lot to help the talent develop. Thank you for this interview.

credit @james_sheppard_photograhy