Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite
Ring Name: Amanda de la Cruz
Date Of Birth: April 10
Height: 5'7"
Weight: A lady never tells!
Birth Place: Xenia, OH
Debut: In ring: October of 2013
Trained by: Cody Hawk
Finishers/Signature Moves: Cruz Control, DDT, X Factor, Running Knee Homepage: (or FB,Twitter) Instagram: @amandaaarivera Facebook: www.facebook.com/amandadelacruzwrestler
Twitter: @amandaaarivera
Email: amandaaadelacruz@gmail.com
-Thank you for your spontaneous commitment. Can you introduce yourself please.
I'm Amanda de la Cruz and I am an independent wrestler from the Dayton, Ohio area.
- Amanda ,How did you get into the Wrestling business ?
I have always been a fan and I contacted Cody Hawk a few years ago and began training with him. I've always wanted to wrestle so I did my research and found the best trainer I could and started when I felt I was ready.
-What is your family thinking of your passion for the sport, are they worried about your health?
Of course they worry but I think they know I love wrestling and risk comes with the territory. My mom is pretty supportive of me, she goes with me to a lot of my shows and we have a lot of fun on those trips.
- What can you say about your Coach and how long did it take, that it was clear for you to do the first match?
Cody is the best trainer there is in my opinion and he has always been patient and helpful with me. I had to work really hard to physically put myself out there but he stuck by me as long as I kept showing up to practice. I trained for a year before I had my first match.
- Can you still remember your very first Pro Wrestlings match and what was it like to wrestle in front of an live crowd for the first time?
I remember it well! My first match was at a Halloween festival in downtown Dayton in front of a few hundred people. I was so nervous and excited but it definitely helped knowing that half the crowd was drunk, haha.
- Pro Wrestling has many legends, do you have any idols?
Definitely. I grew up admiring Trish Stratus a lot. It gets said too often but she is the perfect mix of beauty and athleticism. She is easily my favorite wrestler to watch to this day. Lita was also a big influence on me along with the Hardy Boyz and Randy Orton.
- I know you just started your running in wrestling but Who was your favourite opponent so far and why? Is there anybody you want to fight necessarily?
My favorites are probably Heather Owens and Kaela. I have worked with those two a lot and we always have fun. As far as who I would like to wrestle, there isn't any one single person in particular, I'm excited to work with just about anyone I can.
- And where did you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Hopefully wrestling in new places in front of new people.
- What goals do you still have, would a major contract be interesting for you or do you feel well in the Indy area?
I think any wrestler is lying if they say they wouldn't want to wrestle for a living. As far as where they can do that, I guess that's a matter of taste. Personally I am a huge WWE fan and of course it would be awesome to get to work at a place like that on such a grand stage but honestly I just feel lucky to be able to do this at all. I expect nothing out of wrestling except to do what I love as much as I can get to.
- Every wrestler tries to gain international experience, to travel to many countries. Which country you would love to visit next and wrestle? And do you had the time to make some sightseeing in other Countrys?
I would love to go all over Europe (not one specific country but Scotland would definitely be up there). I'm sure it I was able to plan it the time could be made for just about anything but that's such a huge step for anyone. I guess it just depends on the opportunity ever presenting itself.
-When a booker or company will book you where can they contact you?
On my Facebook page or by email.
-Is there anything else you would like to let my readers and your fans know?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and thank you for reaching out to me. I appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your time and all the best for the future!