Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Date of birth: 01/08/2003
Height: 5’10”
Birth place: Southend-on-Sea
Debut: March 2019
Trained by: Mark Hendry
Finishers/ Signature Moves: “HIDDEN NO MORE”, Diving Double Stomp, Satellite DDT
Twitter/ Instagram ~ @Benny_Nitro_
Facebook ~ Benny Nitro Pro Wrestler
- Thank you for your approval for this interview for the "Pro Wrestling Interview Series Tour 2022".
My pleasure, thanks for hosting me : )
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
Wrestlemania 30 in 2014
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
Saw Wrestlemania 30 advertised, watched it and immediately fell in love
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
Not pre-wrestling, but started MMA this year
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
Yeah, I remember seeing the ring on my first ever session aged 14 and being like “Wowww, this actually it. This is legit.”
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
It was a brilliant experience and good for a debut match, especially being 15 at the time. I was very proud of it and always will be, despite sadly being met with lots of unrealistic negativity.
- Do you have a ‚dream opponent‘ you want to fight above all others?
In the long term, GUNTHER and Brock Lesnar.
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
Myself vs Mark Trew earlier this year was my favourite match. Also me and Champagne Charlie vs Evan Lee United too. Then again, sometimes my worst performances are paradoxically the best experiences and memories.
- What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
In the gym/ swimming. At the weekends usually out clubbing haha.
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can they contact you?
Facebook, Instagram or Twitter DM.
Alternatively email BennyNitroWrestling@gmail.com.
- Thank you very much for your time ,i wish you all the success and especially health! Some words for the Fans at the end?
Thanks very much for having me!
Thankyou to all the fans who show love
Enjoy your life & be good to people : )