Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Buckshot Bobby Brake Interview - There is no price on happiness!!!
Ring name: "Buckshot" Bobby Brake
DOB: October 31st 2001
Ht: 6 ft.
Birth place: Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Debut: August 2020
Trained by: Massive Damage at the Monster Pro Wrestling Academy
Finishers: Diving splash, Sharpshooter, exploder suplex
Homepage: @buckshotbobbybrake on Instagram
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
First encounter with wrestling: My father was a fan and I encountered it through him.
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
I was an engineering student doing an exam and decided to take a weekend to party after it. While looking for things to do my friends and I found an advertisement for tryouts. So I did it.
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
I was trained as an amateur wrestler in the Greco-Roman style and I competed in Brazilian JiuJitsu for many years.
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
My first training sessions were incredible. The pure excitement was amazing
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
It was very much a blur, I took many chops and that's about all I can remember.
- Do you have a ‚dream opponent‘ you want to fight above all others?
Most of the wrestlers who I look up to have long since passed. However WALTER or Colt Cabana would be a dream to share a ring with. As they both had a huge influence on my style.
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
Definitely would have to my most recent feud for the MPW tag team championships. Myself and my tag team partner The Mighty KC competed against Stu Krool and Propayne for months on end. Culminating in a Tornado tag team match for the titles.
- What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
I work full time as a power engineer in the Canadian oilsands and I drive over 1000 km each week to train in Edmonton, Alberta. Wrestling is the only other thing I'd rather when I'm not working. My job in the oilsands helps me provide for my family and help my home promotion financially. This way I'm able to pursue my dream and live comfortably.
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can they contact you?
Bookers may contact me: bobbybrakebooking@gmail.com
- Thank you very much for your time ,i wish you all the success and especially health! Some words for the Fans at the end?
Words for the fans: There is no price on happiness!!! Love yourself and your body