Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Cali Gray Interview - My DreamOpponent? Edge 100%
Ring Name: Cali Gray
Date of birth: 13th November
Height: 5ft 9
Birth place: London
Debut: November 2017
Trained by: Mike Bird (Catch 22 Pro Wrestling), Greg Burridge (London School of Lucha Libre/Burridge Fight Design)
Finishers/ Signature Moves: Cemetery Driver
Homepage: (Facebook,Instagram, Twitter,Website)
Cali Gray
Insta: caligrayofficial
Twitter: thecaligray
- Thank you for your approval for this interview for the “Pro Wrestling Interview Series Tour 2022”.
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
I was always aware of it because of older cousins etc. but when I was about 10 my dad had a girlfriend whose son loved WWE and was staying up watching Backlash 05 and the first full match i saw was Edge winning a last man standing match by pulling a brick out of his MITB briefcase. That was a pretty firm introduction…
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
Music and Wrestling were always my two biggest passions. I’d always wanted to try wrestling but it felt like something that would be out of reach whether because of my size or because growing up most of what I saw on TV was American wrestling. I was in bands from about 13/14 - ironically I took my first bump falling into a Grave in a music video shoot, which in hindsight seems like the most “Cali Gray” thing to do.
After years of being in bands - going on my first tour at 15, playing in front of crowds I’d have dreamed of, going to America to record at 18, feeling the highs of seeing a future in this dream world away from the reality I always hated and then the soul-crippling lows of things slipping away more than once, I had reached a point with music where I’d need to start something new. Especially with rock/metal music this was something that would mean relying on other people in a band and having my future once again being a team responsibility. I’d been a fan of wrestling since I was a kid and one morning after watching a special on Finn Balor, seeing that he could make it while not being the biggest or growing up stateside inspired me to try.
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
I did a lot of sports as a kid but once I turned my focus to music I dropped pretty much everything else. During that time the majority of the damage I did to myself was on the inside… funny how things even out!
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
I remember arriving at a building not knowing what to expect. Picking up the wrestling side of things came more naturally than I expected but it still took a while from being able to do things to everything around it clicking. Obviously I knew that my fitness/conditioning would be something I had to obsess over to get from where I was before to where I wanted to be and luckily I was able to surround myself with people with a similar mindset who pushed each other - whether that was in training, in the gym or meeting on a nearby green to practice things (that’s a less than ideal bump).
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
To carry on the theme of not knowing what to expect, my first match was in a rumble where the order of entrants got messed up and my music played early so now I’m going to the ring with literally no idea what I’m gonna do because people I thought would be in the ring weren’t yet. The feedback was mostly positive - general things to work on, but I was happy that no one noticed I had no idea what was about to happen at least.
- Do you have a ‚dream opponent‘ you want to fight above all others?
Edge. 100%
Don’t get me wrong, there’s a long list of wrestlers I look up to who would be a dream match for me like a couple from now being CM Punk, Finn Balor and Bryan Danielson (too many more to list here) and then looking back there are people like Terry Funk, Raven, Fit Finlay, William Regal, Mick Foley, Roddy Piper, Eddie Guerrero - and more I’m sure I’ve left out - because of all of the different matches those would be.
Also the two coaches I’ve been with the longest are Mike Bird and Greg Burridge, so to have a one on one match with either on any big stage would be awesome.
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
Matches with Tommy Lawrence and Jack Landers have most always been great and some of my favourites (which are online) have been with them. There was a match with Mike Bird that I’d wanted for a while and I took it as a challenge to really try and show that I can work at that level and not look out of place. Another with Alexander Roth where things had kind of come full circle from out first singles match to then having a title match. Then there was a match with ‘Septic’ Sid Oakley where two guys with only the little devil on their shoulder were put in street fight, which was a blast.
- What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
I’m still writing music, going to gigs and being the last person standing on nights out but I spend most of my week training. I used to snowboard a lot so I might go fall down a mountain soon…
I like being creative in whatever way so whether that be in ring, musically or making videos I have to be doing something.
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can they contact you?
My email address for bookings is: caligraywrestler@gmail.com
I’m also on Facebook: Cali Gray
Instagram: Caligrayofficial
Twitter: Thecaligray
Youtube: Cali Gray
- Thank you very much for your time ,i wish you all the success and especially health! Some words for the Fans at the end?
Thank you and to the readers, if you’re still here I haven’t fully bored you to insanity yet so good for you - amazing effort.
The best advice I ever got was “the worst thing you can be is normal”