Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Clem So Interview
I Love SyFy and Meeting Mark Hamill will always be a cherished memory.
Clem So is an actor, known for Exodus to Shanghai;,Narrow Line, Stories from
the End of the World , Star Wars , James Bond and Doctor Who.
- Thank you Clem So for your time for the Fans.
- You started your career 2012 in some series like Being Human and Pond Life ,
what moved you to become an actor?
At the time, I had graduated as a fine artist specializing in painting and had began
putting up some solo artist shows to showcase my art. This was not only time
consuming, but required finance while also not earning very much at the same time.
So I needed some quick turn around work that I could do alongside this.
My brother suggested that I try film extra work (supporting artist, back ground actor) as he had
some success with this. I joined a London based agency and one in the the
Southwest of England. The first movie that I worked on was Keanu Reeve’s 47
Ronin as well as the TV projects that you mentioned and now some 40 movies later,
the rest as they say is history.
- Also in 2012 you had your first Spot in the James Bond Movie Skyfall. How was
this Experience for you?
To watch Daniel Craig work as Bond for the first time was amazing. The scene was
set in Macau, China at the Floating Dragon Casino but shot at Pinewood Studios in
the UK. It was just so interesting to see how the whole scene was put together and
how a story can be told from the camera’s different points of view. I even got a
ringside seat watching Bond fight in the pit with the Komodo Dragons. Its not all
glamour though. Days working on set are very long and repetitive as scenes are shot
over and over. I never forget though that it is a great privilege to work on these big
major productions and always try to be 100% focussed on every job that I do, no
matter what the subject.
- A long list of films and series followed. Then you got into the next big film series
after James Bond. Star Wars Episode VII. With a role in Star Wars comes a Big Fan
Community, what are your first star wars fan experiences?
What can I say about Star Wars Fans. They are like family. They are such a caring
and embracing community. I love that they respect all aspects of Star Wars and the
film making process. And of course I am humbled by their knowledge on the subject
and the fact that they would show interest in the little guys (extras in Star Wars) such
as myself and I am always greatly honoured when a fan wants to add my autograph
to their collection or signed poster, because I know that means something special,
because a collection is so personal. Knowing that brings me so much joy.
- After your work in Star Wars VII and VIII and Solo-A Star Wars Story , could you
share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
On Star Wars The Force Awakens, there was a scene where the Millennium Falcon
has just arrived. This was shot at the Royal Air Force base in Greenham Common
and doubled as the Resistance (Rebel) base. In this scene, everyone was running to
gather around C3PO to hear what he had to say and I was always one of the last to
arrive, having ran the whole length of the runway. Due to the length of my run, timing
was difficult and I wasn’t entirely sure what C3PO was doing upon arrival. On one of
his takes. C3PO appeared to be looking right at me and waving. I wasn’t sure how to
react because no one gave me direction for this. I kept thinking, why is C3PO waving
at me? I better do something, so I waved back. When the cameras cut. Anthony
Daniel’s takes off his helmet and shouts to me. I wasn’t waving at you! I was talking
(the dialog is added later). The whole crowd laughed.
On the set of Star Wars The Last Jedi, I was very fortunate to work on the set of the
Canto Bight Casino at Pinewood Studios. Between one of the breaks setting up
camera, I was standing by one of the many Casino tables when to the right of me,
Mark Hamill casually walks up to the table and starts talking to us about how they
wanted to make this scene like the Cantina, but with a budget. Mark was so engaged
in talking to us, that he didn’t hear the 1 st director shout ‘rolling’ and had to hide his
head as he was not meant to be in the scene. Meeting Mark Hamill will always be a
cherished memory.
- 2012 - 2017 you played different role´s in Doctor Who , What was you favourite
and why?
In all, I worked on ten episodes of Doctor Who, and of course my favourite are the
two creatures that I played. The Clockwork Droid in season 8, Deep Breath episode
1 and the Space Zombie in season 10, Oxygen episode 5. I especially enjoyed the
prepping, learning and developing the kind of walk a Clockwork Droid might do,
understanding the body movements etc. On Oxygen, I loved playing a zombie (or
corpse) in a Space Suit. This was definitely one of my favourite outfits. I can’t tell you
how surreal it was to be playing a Zombie in a Space suit chasing the Doctor around
on a space station. It doesn’t get better than that for a job.
- With Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald and His Dark Materials you
worked in mystery Movies/Series. .How did you cast for this ?
Casting is generally a bit of luck, but mainly how you look. Being east Asian with long
white hair. There are only so many projects that I can fit to. Magical fantasies and
science fiction are often what I am considered for, which is why you see me in such
projects as Fantastic Beasts as a Wizard. I always say, know who you are, play to
your strengths.
- 2021 we will see you another time in the next James Bond No time to die. What
will the fans see from you in this movie (If you can talk about it)?
This is my third Bond movie, so I am very excited to have been involved. If you have
seen the trailers, it all looks fantastic. It’s a shame like most movies, that it has been
delayed so long due to the global pandemic. All that I can say is it will be a great
Bond movie and worth the wait. Do go and watch it when it is released.
- Clem So , Is there something special you would love to do in the future? A special
role or actor to work with?
I love Science Fiction and one of the shows that I am currently enjoying is the
Expanse. Being a series regular on something like that would be very satisfying. I
should also mention the Mandalorian and Star Trek Discovery. Those are great
shows with good stories and high production values.
- Thank you for your time Clem So! Let’s end this interview with some words for the
I know that last year and the start of this year have been very hard for everyone.
Especially with work worries and not seeing your loved ones during lockdown. I do
miss the Comic Con Community having regularly attended as a guest Worldwide for
the last 4 years or so and I really enjoy spending time with you. So here is hoping to
a bright and positive future where we can all once again get together again in a safe
environment and share and enjoy what we love. I look forward to meeting the fans
again real soon. Take care, be safe everyone.
