Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Dawn Dininger - Interview about The Mandalorian , Actress ,stunt performer and special makeup effects artist.
Dawn Dininger is known for her work on "X-Men" , "Avengers" , "The Mandalorian" and many more
- Thank you Dawn for your time for the Star Wars/The Mandalorian Fans.
- Dawn , Were you a Star Wars fan before you got your job in the Costume and Wardrobe Department for The Mandalorian?
I enjoyed watching the Star Wars movies, but I have become a much bigger fan since working on the Mandalorian.
- Working with some one of the Maincast Members like Misty Rosas (Kuill/FrogLady) will be a dream for every Mandalorian Fan, what can you say about working with Misty? She is so talented and a pleasure to work with. I have worked with her on quite a few projects. She can really bring a character to life.
- What are you doing there exactly on the Set? On set, I dress the creatures and some of the specialty costumed characters. While shooting, I give the actors air while they are wearing creature heads or helmets. I take their creature heads or helmets on and off between set ups. I try to keep them as comfortable as possible. I have to make repairs to the specialty costumes on the fly. I also puppeteer.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
There is no one story that stands out, but anything that Amy Sedaris improvs is hilarious.
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Mandalorian …”
I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of an iconic series. Working on something that the Star Wars fans are really enjoying is so surreal and satisfying at the same time.
- The Mandalorian is just a step in your work. Dawn you worked for so many Blockbusters like X-Men , Avengers , Terminator , Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and many many more. What was for favorite job so far and why?
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I was with a great team of people, and we got to make some very interesting creatures. We had to make so many practical creatures from head to toe that it was amazing to see them all on the battlefield together. Getting to work in New Zealand for 4 months was pretty great too.
- Dawn you worked in "Breaking Dawn" , "Underwater and "Smokin' Aces" as stunt performer too, thats right?
I did get to do stunts on those movies. I also perform in creature suits, and I will get to do my own stunts sometimes . In Smokin’ Aces I was a bike messenger that had gun fire going on as I passed by. In Breaking Dawn, I played an ND vampire that was fighting in the big battle scene. I helped build the Underwater suits at Legacy EFX. As we were building them, I was the one testing them under water until they were safe for the actors.
When I was on set, Kristen Stewart’s stunt double was shooting a big stunt scene. At the same time on a split unit, they needed someone to double here in the pinch pipe scene. They ended up using me for that since I was comfortable in the suit and performing in it under water.
- Working as Actress ,stunt performer and special makeup effects artist.what has been your biggest challenge so far?
I think the biggest challenge is always the deadline. We have to build such elaborate creatures that have to work well in a short amount of time.
- Is there something special you would love to do i the future? A special role or actor to work with?
Of course, I would love to be a principal creature in Star Wars. Even if a very small part.
- Thank you for your time Dawn Dininger! Let’s end this interview with some words for the fans?
Thank you so much for your support and loving what we have put out there so far! Hopefully, you all keep loving it!