Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Ringname: Diana Strong
Homepage : https://www.instagram.com/dianawrestling/
- Thank you for your approval for this interview for the "Pro Wrestling Interview Series Tour 2022".
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
My first encounter with wrestling was when I was a child. I have started watching pro wrestling with my
family. When I have seen a beautiful brave and strong women I was impressed. I decided I also want to
be a wrestler. I have started looking for wrestling school at the age of 13 but I was too young.
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
In Poland you can start training wrestling at the age of 16 if your parents agree. If not you have to wait to
be 18. I got permission for my parent when I was 17.
I went to Gdynia for my first wrestling camp in the summer od 2017. Since then I started going to
wrestling school every month. In 2021 I have changed my wrestling school in Poland to PTW. Now I can
train more often. Last year I also started training and appearing abroad. I have learned a lot in WXW
Academy and SLAM Wrestling Finland.
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or
other sports you did?
Before my first contant with wrestling I haven't had any experience in sport. During my first trainings I
understood that I have a lack of power and I don't look like a real wrestler. It motivated me to start going
to the gym. Since the beginning Robert Nemś is my coach. He encouraged me to lift heavy weights. In
2018 I went to my first deadlift competition. Nowadays I still take part in powerlifitng competion. I have
won a lot of medals in World, Europe or National Championship. I am a current holder of some records in
my weight and age category and I am proud of it. Weightlifting has helped me a lot in gaining self
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
I think it is impossible to forget things like that. When I went to my first wrestling summer camp, I was 17.
I was very stressed. I didn't know anyone. I was 700km away from my home. At that time I was also very
shy. But when I stepped into the ring I was very happy. I understood that I want to tie my future with
wrestling. I felt like my dreams come true. But I can't say it was easy for me. That' s was very exhausting.
I was in a lot of pain. I had bruises all over my body. Everything was hurting, but it didn't discourage me.
Honestly it gave me another motivation. I wanted to train more, to be stronger, to be more resistant.
These two weeks of training have changed my life forever. I learned a lot and had some mutch fun. The
most important thing is that after this camp, I was sure that wrestling is something for me.
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you
take from it?
My first match was in KPW in Gdynia in 2019 It was a fatal four way match. It was a very importnant
moment for me. My family was in the audience and were cheering for me. I have dreamed of it for sixt
years and it finally come true. I have to say I was so nervous all day. I didn't knw what to expect. When it
was my time to enter the arena, all doubts suddenly disappeared. Fans really helped me a lot with their
warm welcome. After the match I was so proud, I could finally call myself a wrestler. Since that day,
nothing is impossible for me. It was justy a dream and became a reality, because of hard work.
- Do you have a ‚dream opponent‘ you want to fight above all others?
At this moment, my dream opponent is Killer Kelly. I look up to her. She has come a long way. From
Portugal, through WXW, to WWE and Impact Wrestling. She can be an example to people from ''not
wrestling'' countries what to do to achieve success. I think she has a very interesting style and moveset. I
know that a match with her would be not only a tough challenge, but also a great chance to gain a lot of
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
My favoutire match is for sure an intergender tag- team match in Cracow for Prime Time Wrestling. I will
never forget the reaction I received from th fans. It was something unusual. They were so loud I couldn't
hear my thoughts. When they were chanting my name I felt so happy and proud. I think every wrestler
dreams of moment like that.
Another very important moment in my career was a match versus the Portuguese Legend- Shanna in
SLAM Wrestling Finland. It was a great lesson. That day I learned a lot and I was able to improve thanks
to that experience. I also can't ignore my PTW match with a former NXT UK Star - Myla Grace. She is a
great person and an awesome wrestler. These three matches will stay in my memory forever.
- What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
Last year I have finished my dietetics studies. Now I am focused on improving my stamina, strenght and
look. I spend a lot of time in the gym and in the kitchen. In my free time I still study. Powerlifting
competitions are also important for me, so I have to spend time preparing for it. In the near future I plan
to start personal trianings. My life is intense, I have no time to be bored.
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can
they contact you?
The best to contact me is Instagram.
- Thank you very much for your time ,i wish you all the success and especially health! Some
words for the Fans at the end?
Thank you for your support! Fans are very important part of wrestling and I can feel your energy
everytime I step into the ring. I am so gradeful for that! I also want to encourage everyone to follow your
dreams. Everything is possible if you work hard enough!