Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Ring name: Emily Ramirez
Date of birth: 12 December 2000
Height: 1,66
Debut: 31 March 2018
Trained by: Karim Brigante and Flavio Augusto, but I’ve traveled a lot all over Italy and i trained
with many others wrestlers, for a long time also with Ivan Blake and Adriano. in SIW i also had
the opportunity to train with Alex Flash, Marty Jones, Zak Knight, Joseph Conners and Chris
Finishers/signature moves: Chokebomb, Cannonball and Rolling Elbow
● Facebook: Emily Ramirez
● Instagram: emilyramirez_wrestling
● Twitter: @emilyramirez666
Thank you for your approval for this interview fo the “pro wrestling interview series tour
You’re welcome! It’s a pleasure for me!
Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
There hasn’t been a specific moment in my life when i have encountered wrestling, it has always
been a family tradition. This passion started in the 80s with my paternal grandparents, passed
through my father and came up to me and my cousin, in fact the first memories i have of
wrestling are the days spent in front of the tv with them.
Please Give us a brief summary of how you got in to pro wrestling.
I found the first wrestling school i went to by accident one day while i was walking in a park with
my cousin and my grandmother i found a ring, as i approached i saw that on the ropes there was
a sheet with the training times and the dates of some shows. After talking about it for a long time
with my parents, i managed to convince them to take me to the first lesson and that’s how i got in
to this world.
Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler
or other sport you did?
Before I started wrestling i only did swimming, after I started, for some months i also did MMA.
Can you still recall your first training session?
Sure! I started when i was only 12 but I remember everything as if it happened yesterday, I
remember perfectly the anxiety i felt, i was the only girl in a group of men quite older than me and
initially I didn’t think that it would be so hard but i wanted to do it so much that all the pain and the
fatigue took a back seat.
How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did
you take from it?
I remember that my debut in the business was a women’s title match against Eretica. It wasn’t
easy at all, i had waited over 5 years for that moment, i was very anxious, in over that day,
winning that title i became the youngest women's champion in Italy, because I was XX years old.
I don’t remember exactly all the feedbacks but i know for sure that there was errors due to
Surely this match helped me a lot to understand the things i had to work on.
Do you have a ,dream opponent’ you want to fight above all others?
Yes! There are a lot of wrestler that i would like to face, but the ones i would absolutely prefer are
Jessicka Havok and Jazzy Gabert (Alpha Female)
Do you have a personal highlights, favorite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
In my career there are several matches that i liked, but there are 4 that i care about particularly.
The first is my debut match in SIW, which i also entered in my current stable, the Darkest Hour,
against Latin lovers.
The second one is the match in which i showed myself to the public for the first time without the
mask, in addition it was against one of the wrestler that I respect the most in Italy, Camilla.
The third one is the match i did at the first all-female show in Italy “la numero 1” against Queen
The last but not least is the “battle of gladiators” in Rome (my hometown), it was a men’s battle
royal in which i partecipated and also won
What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
Usually when I’m not in the gym i spend most of my time drawing (I’m a tattoo artist), listening to
music and reading books.
When a booker or company from your country or around the world will book you, where
they can contact you?
Possibly on Instagram or alternatively on my email ( emilyramirez.prowrestling@gmail.com )
Thank you very much for your time ,i wish you all the success and especially healt! Some
words for the fans at the end?
Thank you! The only thing that i feel to do is thank everyone who follows me or wrestling in
general because if this sport goes on it is only thanks to you, so thank you from the bottom of my
