Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Paul Warren is a British actor known for playing characters in prosthetic makeup and creature suits in such films as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor: The Dark World, Clash of the Titans and World War Z.
- Thank you Paul Warren for your time for the Star Wars Fans.
Hello. No problem!
- In The Force Awakens you played Varmik, one of the three Hassk aliens. How did you get cast for The Force Awakens and how did you get this specific role?
I had been an actor and creature performer in the film industry for about 10 years at that point. Neal Scanlan (the Star Wars Creature Effects supervisor) was putting together a core group of performers and puppeteers for The Force Awakens and I had been recommended to him by creature designer and makeup artist Martin Rezard, who I had worked with previously on Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: The Dark World.
- Were you a Star Wars fan before you got cast?
I am a massive fan. I was born in 1974, so Star Wars has been a part of my life from the age of 3 years old. I became obsessed with the cantina creatures. I still am, so to play an alien in a Star Wars film is very special to me.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
It was a fun but very hard working environment. The whole experience was remarkable. There was a feeling that everyone on set really appreciated being there and wanted to the best job they could. JJ Abrams is a very humble and amazing guy to be on a film set with. He adores makeup and practical effects, so all of his alien characters are as important to him as his main cast and they are shot with just as much care and attention.
The scene I’m featured in was the long tracking shot as Han, Finn and Rey enter Maz’s castle. We rehearsed it with our creature heads off a few times and then I think we did about 3 or 4 actual takes. I had been working very hard on the character movement months before shooting, then fine-tuned it on set with creature choreographer Paul Kasey.
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Force Awakens…”
Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Force Awakens… feels very surreal.
- You not only played in Star Wars, you also in Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor ,World War Z, Harry Potter and many many more. What was your favourite role so far?
I have enjoyed every role I’ve ever played, but working on Captain America: The First Avenger was pretty great. I was the original template for Skinny Steve Rogers. I worked closely with Christopher Townsend (Marvel visual effects supervisor) on the pre-production visual effects tests.
- Paul ,you started as a body double for Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. How was it work with Daniel?
I mainly worked as a Harry broomstick flying double. Daniel is a great guy. He was always pleasant and fun to be around. I can’t say enough nice things about him. All of the cast on that film were great. It was one of my first jobs and I learnt so much about the film industry.
- When you not work as actor what are you doing?
Either I’m socialising with friends or playing video games. I’m a bit of a pc gamer nerd.
- Thank you for your time! Let’s end this interview with some words for the fans?
If there are any out there, thanks for being interested in what I do.