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Jamal Antar Interview - Between The Mandalorian and The Mafia
Jamal Antar (born December 23, 1976) is a American French actor. He is known for "NCIS: L.A." , "SEAL Team" and many more. And also as Prisoner in "The Mandalorian" .
- Thank you Jamal Antar for your time for the Star Wars/The Mandalorian Fans.
- Jamal, the fans now know you as a Prisoner in The Mandalorian ,Were you a Star Wars fan before you got cast ?
I've always been, I am, and I will always be a fan of Star Wars. I grew up in France and Star Wars was one of my top 3 films.
- Working with some one of the Maincast Members will be a dream for every Mandalorian Fan, what can you say about working with some of these guys?
I am very honored to have been chosen to play the role of one of the prisoners on the spaceship. In addition, I am happy to play with great actors who are very professional and very nice.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
Yes, there was one of the actors playing the role of one of the prisoners who kept complaining to makeup artist, that it was hot under the alien mask, and that's where she tells him you don't know how many people would dream of being in your place, and as by chance he could breathe after that. Lol
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Mandalorian …”
“Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Mandalorian is a dream that all adults dreamed when they were younger
- With a role in Star Wars comes a Big Fan Community, what are your first star wars fan experiences?
It's an exceptional experience, unforgettable, and full of emotions
- Will we see you back in The Mandalorian in season two? (if you are allowed to talk about it)
I don't know yet if they need spaceship prisoners so we’ll see...
- You not only played in Star Wars, you also in "NCIS: L.A." , "Seal Team" , "French Connection" , "You" and some more. What was your favorite role so far?
I like all the roles I've played, which are different from each other. I really like the role I'm playing now in a series called French Connection that will be released on Amazon Prime on October 30th, which is “Arman” the boss of the mafia.
- Jamal, you play in "French Connention" , coming October 30th on Amazon Prime, an lead role "Arman" an Mafia Big Boss. What will we see in this series?
We will see a lot of fights, a lot of revenge, and especially action with a amazing cast that assured in this season 1. We will soon start shooting season 2 with a cast that will take you breathtaking,...
- How did you get cast as Mafia Member ?
I was contacted by the director Romane Simon, an amazing producer, director and writter, who followed my footsteps in Hollywood industry. He likes my job, my look, and my personality. We've become very good friends.
- Jamal , Is there something special you would love to do i the future? A special role or actor to work with?
I would like, with a big production and big actors, to play the part of my life. Because it wasn't easy for me to become an actor in Hollywood because I come from France, and I had no money to pay for rent and my English language was very minimal, so I had to sleep in my car two years and eight months and do little jobs to pay for my food, my acting classes, my gym,...
- Thank you for your time Jamal Antar! Let’s end this interview with some words for the fans?
I want to tell my fans that it's never easy and that's why we say: Success only comes with hard work.
Many hours, many weeks, many years.
And it's never easy.
That's why it's special.
Try Again! And again! And again... Also believed in yourself, because no one will do it better than you, and cut straight with the people who jealous you, laughing at you, criticizing you, and getting closer to people who admire you, who advise you, who are true actors who respect and accept everyone

Photography by Eden Dozier