Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Jeff Wagoner Interview - I’ve been killed several times
Jeff Wagoner is an American Actor known as Savior/Walker/ Whisperer on AMC´s "The Walking Dead"
- Jeff ,How did you get your role in the AMC Series The Walking Dead ?
I got my role on this series from a very good friend of mine who had been on it for several years. I tried submitting multiple times but never got any responses. Come to find out though I was submitting to the wrong casting agency. My buddy Brandon had called me one night and said they were looking for extra background people to be saviors in season 8. He gave me all the info and who to submit my info too and I immediately heard back from them. They booked me for 3 weeks right away.
- Did you watch the show or read the graphic novel, prior to your casting to The Walking Dead?
Yes I have read all the graphic novels and had watched the show before landing my role.
- Working in The Walking Dead will be a dream for every TWD Fan, what can you say about working inside the Series?
It’s definitely a dream come true. For me the best part about working on this series is the comradely I’ve developed between fellow background actors, the crew and the cast. I’ve made so many great friends and people I consider to be family for life. The crew is the best I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. They genuinely care about you and they definitely take care of you.
- You worked as Savior , Walker and as Whisperer in TWD. What was your personal Favorite and why?
Tough question! I would probably have to say Whisperer. I love playing the role of a bad guy LOL. The Whisperer mask looks can be so intimidating and scary. The main cast members would always make comments about how scary we were too! Being a Whisperer you get the feel of being a human and a walker at the same time. So it’s the ultimate double role I guess you can say LOL.
- Jeff , did you get killed inside the show and if so, who killed you in which role?
Yes I’ve actually been killed multiple times on the show. My first death was when I was a savior. Rick killed in the All Out War with his AK47. I’ve also been killed several times as a walker. My first time being killed as a walker was by Connie with her sling shot. I’ve also been killed by Daryl with his crossbow. Yumiko has also killed me with her bow. Michonne and Judith have killed me with there katana’s too.
- You had just little part´s in the show but many of them. How much has the series The Walking Dead influenced your life? Can you go outside unrecognized ?
It’s influenced my life in a way of making family with everyone I’ve been able to work with. It’s one big family. Everyone looks after everyone. I’ve been able to book other roles on different television shows. Yes I can go outside unrecognized as I’m not any major celebrity. Thank goodness for that LOL.
- Is there any dream role or actor/actress you would loved to work in the future?
My dream actor or actress I would love to work with in the future would probably have to be Ewan Mcgregor. I love Star Wars and he’s play the perfect Obi Wan Kenobi. My dream is to land any type of role on any Star Wars film.
- Is there anything else you would like to let The Walking Dead Fans and your fans know?
I love and appreciate everyone fan out there. Thank you for your continued support! I truly appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you thank you thank you. I can’t thank you enough. Much love to all. #TWDFamily
- Thank you being my guest Jeff Wagoner and best wishes for the future. I hope to see you one day in Germany.
Thank you for having me! I really appreciate it!! Best wishes. Thank you soooo much!! I hope to meet you one day as well!! Much love!!