Bernd Lorenz
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Josh Moreno Interview - Between The Mandalorian , Sam Witwer and an Dragon
Josh Moreno is known for his work on The Mandalorian and The Cobblestone Corridor
- Thank you Josh for your time for the Star Wars The Mandalorian Fans.
Thanks for having me! The Star Wars fans have been so supportive these past few weeks so I'm glad I have this opportunity to share my experiences with them.
- Josh, Were you a Star Wars fan before you got cast?
I was definitely a fan of Star Wars before getting cast. I remember watching the original movies when I was a kid and I have also enjoyed the recent Star Wars films as well.
- How did you get your role as Mos Pelgo Villager in Chapter 9: The Marshal of The Mandalorian?
My agency notified me of a fitting for a show they thought I would be good for. The funny part is, they didn't even tell me what show I was going in for because of the level of secrecy surrounding The Mandalorian, so I had no idea. Once I arrived at the fitting and they started putting my costume together, I started to have my suspicions. It wasn't until I noticed the Star Wars themed pillows on the couch and heard the iconic Star Wars Cantina music playing in the background that I was sure of it, and I tried my best not to freak out.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
For the scene where the Krayt Dragon first arrives at Mos Pelgo, we had to try our best to react and look like we were running for our lives. Obviously the Krayt Dragon was added later in post production, so we had to pretend with a prop dragon head about the size of a soccer ball that was being pulled by a wire through the sand. Not quite as terrifying as the Krayt Dragon we all saw in the episode!
Another story that comes to mind is all of my castmates reactions to seeing Baby Yoda in person. We actually started filming the first episode of season 2 before season 1 had even premiered, so none of us knew who Baby Yoda was. We were all looking at the back of Mando's speeder bike saying "What is that thing? It looks like... a Baby Yoda?" We were all so confused. But then the first episode of season 1 aired that night and Baby Yoda became an internet sensation. We all came in the next day saying "Now it all makes sense!"
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Star Wars: The Mandalorian …”
"... I wish it lasted forever!" I am just starting out as an actor so to be able to work on a show like The Mandalorian so early on in my career was one of the best experiences of my life. The amazing costumes, sets, and props all surrounded me in a world I'd only dreamt of as a kid. I had to keep reminding myself that I was at work, because it certainly didn't feel like it. I am so grateful for all the people I met and all the memories I made. I'll never forget it.
- With a role in Star Wars comes a Big Fan Community, what are your first star wars fan experiences?
After the episode aired, I was excited and I had friends and family reach out to congratulate me, and that was all I thought of it. A few days later, my friend texted me saying there was a big debate among Star Wars fans over who my character was. I was confused, because of course I knew I was just a Mos Pelgo Villager and there was nothing more to it. It turns out multiple entertainment sources and a lot of Star Wars fans thought my appearance was actually a cameo by Sam Witwer, who is another actor heavily involved in the Star Wars Universe. I posted on Twitter saying it was actually me in the episode and Sam responded to it so everyone could see it. My tweet went viral among Star Wars fans and they thanked and congratulated me for being in the show, added me to the IMDb page and even put me in Wookieepedia. Some even wanted me to get a bigger role on the show haha. Their support was amazing and I am so thankful for it.
- Josh , Is there something special you would love to do in the future? A special role or actor to work with?
As a new actor, I am still looking for my big break in the industry, so that would be nice haha. But I can't say there is one special role that I'm really looking forward to playing. I would like to have the chance to play all different types of characters over the course of my career. Also, I would love to work with Kit Harington from Game of Thrones.
- Thank you for your time Josh Moreno! Let’s end this interview with some words for the fans?
I'd like to thank the fans for all their incredible support and kind words. I'll never forget the way they welcomed me into the Star Wars community. The fans are what make the show so special and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.
- Thank you and i hope to see you some day on a German Star Wars Convention.
Thanks for having me! Hopefully I can make it out there someday!