Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Josh "TKO" Turner - Wrestling meets The Walking Dead
Ring Name: TKO “The Krazed One”
Date of Birth: 11/19/1985
Height: 5’9
Weight: 230
Birth Place: Bedford Indiana
Debut: Early 2000’s in Louisville Kentucky at Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW)
Trained by: Nick Dinsmore & Rip Rogers at OVW
Finishers/Signature Moves: Finisher – The TKO (Modified F5 into a Diamond Cutter) & The Death Drop (Modified Diamond Cutter on the top rope), Signature – German Suplex, Triple Suplexes, Rolling Krazed Bomb (Modified Rolling Thunder)
Homepage: (or FB, Twitter) Twitter @SaviorTKO / FB www.facebook.com/JoshTKOTurner
-Thank you for your spontaneous commitment and being a part of "The Global Indy Pro Wrestling World Tour 2016/2017.
Can you introduce yourself please?
My name is Josh “TKO” Turner and I am a Pro-Wrestler and Actor, I am into Charity work and helping those in need. Currently I am working closely with “The Fight for Autism” as well as the “JDRF” Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I also help with the local “Toys for Tots”. This year I also have the opportunity to work with East TN’s Children’s hospital. I am a huge advocate for our Animal Shelters and Animals. I honestly feel like God has blessed me with everything and all the opportunities in my life, that the least I can do is give back and share those blessings in a way to help others. Please make sure to check out the Fighting for Autism page at http://www.fightingforautism.com.au/ and help raise and support awareness.
How did you get into the Wrestling business?
I grew up loving Pro-Wrestling, it was truly my dream and my passion. The only thing I ever wanted to be other than a wrestler, was a Ninja Turtle ha ha. I found out as I got older that was clearly not going to happen. I put all my focus towards wrestling. I was not one of those kids with multiple dreams, mine was always to be a wrestler. As soon as I was old enough, I went after it.
Can you still remember your very first Pro Wrestling match and what was it like to wrestle in front of a live crowd for the first time?
Yes I can, I will never forget it. It was the OVW Davis Arena. I was a nervous wreck but, at the same time I was on top of the world. I was living a dream to be able to wrestle at the OVW Davis Arena, which at the time was the official training facility for WWE. I remember during the match, I was so excited. I went to splash my opponent in the corner, and jumped so high I over shot him. I smacked my face off the ring post, giving myself one heck of a shiner on my eye.
You work for Indy Pro Wrestling Company’s in the USA, what can you tell us about some of this?
I work all over. I do have a couple shows that are considered more “Home” shows to me as they are near where I live in Tennessee. They are KFW Wrestling in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (which is the top of the line for Wrestling in East Tennessee) and SECW Wrestling in Rocky Top / Lafollette, Tennessee. I also travel across the states to other shows. I am always willing to go out and be a part of any show to entertain the fans.
TKO your Ring name, is there a story behind?
The name TKO came to me as a nickname from my friends. It stands for The Krazed One. I have always been crazy and have no fear when it comes to doing most things. Plus as I have been told, I have no filter when it comes to what I might say next. If you ask anyone that knows me, they will tell you the name TKO is not just a nickname or a ring name but, it is my way of life. I am The Krazed One.
But you are not only a Pro Wrestler you are also an Actor in "The Walking Dead" How did you get your role in The Walking Dead and what was your role?
I am the Tattooed Savior. It was honestly a blessing to get the part. A friend told me about the casting and I submitted for it. I got picked. I consider it an honor to be on the show.
Josh, did you watch the show or read the graphic novel, prior to your casting to The Walking Dead?
I did a little but, I really got into it around Season 5. My beautiful daughter, Kaylie Turner, appeared on the show in Episode 6 as a Child Walker. Kaylie worked her tail off and did very well on the show. She has also appeared in the feature film “Term Life” alongside Vince Vaughn and Terrance Howard. The Walking Dead is such an intense show, that I think it does take watching it a few times in order to really get the full effect of it. Once you do that you become hooked on it because of just how good the show is.
Working with Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus or Jeffrey Dean Morgan will be a dream for every TWD Fan, what can you say about working with some of this guys?
It is very much a dream come true. To just be in the same room with those guys is an honor and a privilege that I am thankful for every day. All of the cast on the show are such amazing actors and actresses. They have so much talent words can’t even describe it. Each one of them work very hard. To see them bringing the show to life is amazing. Plus to meet, work, and become friends with the likes of Elizabeth Ludlow, Lindsley Register and Martinez is incredible. They are also great actors and actresses.
You put The Savior in your gimmick and wrestle with Lucille too. What do the fans think about?
I have carried a barbwire baseball bat and a zombie head years before The Walking Dead. Sometimes Alice, my barbwire baseball bat, gets confused for Lucille or even Mick Foley’s bat Barbie. But, Alice is the distance cousin to Ally my zombie head. Alice and Ally usually join me at all my wrestling events and personal appearances that I attend. Alice has to be calmed down sometimes as she likes to get rough. Ally has to be hushed because she is a talker and likes to run her mouth a lot. They have both been that way for years, so I have just came to accept them for who they are.
How much has the series The Walking Dead influenced your life private and as wrestler?
As a wrestler not that much. I have been a pro wrestler for over 13 years. That was long before The Walking Dead was ever aired on television. In my personal life, it has some. It’s a little different now when walking around town or before an appearance. I have been stopped and asked for photos because I was seen on a recent episode.
Will we see you also in Season 7B of the Walking Dead?
That’s one we will all just have to wait and watch together on. I am just as excited to see what is to come as everyone else.
This Day i can say:Yes i saw him
When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you as Wrestler or Actor where can they contact you?
I can be reached on Twitter, Facebook, or my email joshthekrazedone@gmail.com . I am currently accepting bookings for wrestling, meet and greets, personal appearances, motivational speaking or whatever your event may be.
Is there anything else you would like to let the World Wrestling Fans, The Walking Dead Fans and your fans know?
I could go into a lot of different things. Take it from someone who has been there and done a lot, some of it good and some not. There is nothing that can define who you are, no matter what your past is, only you can define your future. Keep your head up, and stay strong with your faith. Keep pushing forward. We are all writing our own success stories through our hard work and faith. Don’t give up and no matter what has happened before never look back.
Thank you for your time and all the best for the future.
Thank you again for having me, it has been my pleasure and honor. I hope to see everyone very soon!