Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Lisa Lace Interview - You are all the reason my heart is gold
Ring Name: Lisa Lace
Date of birth: 08/14/1991
Birth place: Ohlone Land
Debut: 2012
Trained by: All Pro Wrestling
Finishers/ Signature Moves: The spear, chicken wing ddt, lace to the face
Homepage: (Facebook,Instagram, Twitter,Website) facebook.com/lisalace01 @lisalaceprowrestler @ProLisaLace
- Thank you for your approval for this interview for the "Pro Wrestling Interview Series Tour 2022".
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
I first started watching wrestling since I was 11 and I immediately felt a deep connection and knew right then and there that it was something I wanted to always have in my life. It wasn’t long before I knew it was what I wanted to do in life.
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
I always knew once I was old enough I would do it. For the longest I had no idea there was even training schools for this I basically googled one day “how do you become a pro wrestler” and I searched for nearest wrestling schools which I emailed right away. About a couple months later I found a local independent show that was running and I was able to stay after the show and ask some of the wrestlers there for advice. I basically messaged who I could and asked anyone I found in the local wrestling scene for advice. I eventually signed up for this school I emailed (APW) and that’s how it all started.
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
I started training for wrestling at 18. Funny thing is I never did any sports in school or any other form of fighting combat. Closest thing was I would play baseball in my backyard growing up with my older brother. We would throw apples from our tree as baseballs, hahaha.
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
I remember being very scared but excited as hell. It was scary cause I was one of the only females in the class and I wasn’t sure if I could pick up any of the other guys and get all the moves down. As I was a scrawny teenager with no athletic background. I remember doing better than I thought I would with some troubles but knowing I would stick with it whatever it takes so it didn’t matter if I didn’t get something down right away, I wasn’t giving up.
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
My first one on one match was actually with one of my trainers and I loved it so much. I was told I did good by my peers who knew I had been training for years and it was a good feeling to see this many people proud of me. I felt like all my hard work would start paying off and I was so ready to show the world next what I can do.
- Do you have a ‚dream opponent‘ you want to fight above all others?
I always wanted to wrestle Victoria/Tara as she was one of my favorites to watch growing up
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
Some of the best highlights I have had have been when I got to wrestle in different countries getting to see the differences and similarities with wrestling around the world.
- What are you doing when you not stand inside the ring?
I enjoy good food, I love eating at nice restaurants and also just love hanging out at the local sports bar. I love playing video games. I enjoy being around animals and I’m currently doing a lot of research on wildlife and I want to do what I can to help out animals in need.
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can they contact you?
My social medias which I listed above and my email lisalacebookings@gmail.com
I would like to say thank you for this interview and thanks to all my fans for all your love and support! You are all the reason my heart is gold. I can’t wait for what’s next.