Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

- You plays in HBO’s Game Of Thrones Vala in some episodes. How did you get this role?
Well the process was very simple to be honest. One day my agent called me and asked whether I was interested in a Game of Thrones audition. I was already a massive fan of the series so I said 'YES!' right away. I auditioned and got the role about 2 weeks later :)
- -Did you watch Game of Thrones before you got cast or read the Novel´s?
Yes. My brother was visiting London a few years ago and he came to mine one day with the box set of the first season of Game of Thrones. We were supposed to go out and do some sightseeing but instead I watched the whole first season in one day! From then on I was completely hooked and started reading the books too (a gift from my brother as well!)
- When you look back what was one of your favorite actor or actress you work with in Game of Thrones?
Gosh. That's a difficult question! Everyone I've met on set, be it cast, crew, producers etc. was so lovely and fun to work with! But I have to say, working with Conleth Hill, who plays Varys in GoT, was an absolute pleasure and remains a cherished memory of mine!
- Do you have a funny moment from the set you can share with us?
Yes, quite a few, but my favourite is when I briefly met Ian McElhinney, who plays Ser Barristan Selmy.
First you have to know that most of the script is kept secret (at least for me it was!) so I didn't know anything about the season being filmed apart from my own scenes... (SPOILER ALERT for those not up to date with season 5!)
So, we were waiting around the trailers to be called on set, and had a little discussion where he announced that his character was going to die that day. I was not up to date with the books at that time so got massively spoiled!!! I was gutted because I absolutely adored his character...! But it was quite funny getting it from Ian himself! (^_^)
- Meena, before you work for Game of Thrones you played in many Short Movies. What can you tell us about this?
Well, I think as an actor, going to drama school is one thing, but you learn the most by being on set, actually practising and honing your skills. Also, you always want new roles to sink your teeth in...! So I've done a lot of short films, theatre and other performances! Now I'm focussing more and more on TV and Feature Films. But even though I do fewer short films now, I'm still very much in love with the short form, which is a very different kind of storytelling, so I'm on the lookout for great scripts, concepts or writers/directors to work with!
- Next you playing Stephanie Akram in Rishi Pelham´s Drama "Tape". Whats your role inside?
I played Stephanie Akram, the lead role of "Tape", which is directed by both Rishi Pelham and Dylan Zarrella. Stephanie is a young student from Jerusalem, who's in a relationship with Ian, a young Brit. She's surrounded by loving friends and a bit of an overly attached boyfriend, but wants to discover the world and feels trapped in Jerusalem. Tape doesn't focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but actually gives voice to a diverse culture of people that are completely misrepresented in media, and tells the story through those characters.
This is an indie film so it hasn't been distributed yet, and the directors are working on getting it seen in festivals and distributed, but hopefully it'll come out on the big screen soon!
- Is there something you would love to play into the future?
So many different characters, it would take a novel to describe them all! I'd love to delve deep into very complex, well rounded characters. I used to love the 'badass, strong woman' trope, but growing up I realised it's also pretty much a stereotype. And stereotypes are most definitely something I'd like to stay away from...
It's great to be 'strong', but no one is 'just strong'. Everybody's got their doubts, conflicts, moments of weakness as well as moments of greatness. I want to play characters that feel 'real', even in 'unreal' circumstances. I feel like they're the ones we can empathise and identify with the most. So that's what I want: multi-dimensional human beings.
Also, coming from a science background, I'd love to play a scientist one day! Good or Evil ;)
I'm falling more and more in love with screenwriting, as I have realised over the years how much of an amazing feeling it is to embody well written characters. I'm also very optimistic when it comes to more diverse representation, ethnic or gender wise, and can definitely feel a shift occurring in the scripts I've been reading lately! Yay for representation!! :D
- At the last somthing to say to your Fans?
I want to say a big THANK YOU! It's amazing receiving the messages of love and support from all over the world! I try to read and reply to most when I can, so bear with me :)
- Thank you very much and i hope meet you some day in Germany.
Thank you very much to you! Maybe we'll meet over another interview if I'm around for a festival in Germany one day :D !