Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

- Hello Michael Wayne Foster and thank you for your time for the Fans.
Danke! I am excited to have a German interview. My European representation is in Germany (Crawford Talents) and my ancestry (on my mother's side) is German. I also took my honeymoon in Munich, so you can see, Ich liebe Deutschland!!
- How did you get your role as Derek in The Walking Dead Red Machete?
When I was working at Nickelodeon on the show The Thundermans, the stunt director Josh Tessier went on to do coordinating on The Walking Dead. He knew that I was a big guy that could act as well as do my own stunts so he called me up and said, "Hey would you like to read for a role on The Walking Dead." I went in and read for the Director Avi Youbian and he hired me on the spot. To me, that is a dream come true. (I’m a huge zombie fan.)
- The second time i saw you was in "Los Borgia" , you had a little spot into. What can you tell us about?
Haha! That one wasn’t me. Maybe it was my stunt double. :)
Sorry my fault :-D
- What was the best thing or the funniest moment about working on The Red Machete?Is there something special you can share with us?
The first memories I have of being alive was visiting my father in his classroom (He was a high school English teacher) while he was teaching a horror science fiction unit. I’ve vaguely remember he was showing Night of the Living Dead on the old reel to reel projector. As a kid growing up, that was always my favorite movie as were all of George Romero‘s classics. So when I booked the role and got to set, there’s no possible way anyone could’ve been more excited than I was. Then, when I was attacked by the zombie and she bit my hand, the first thing that flashed in my head was me as a little kid looking up at the screen and remembering how horrified I was of zombies. My expressions were rooted in childhood fear so how's that for method acting? The funniest thing on set, was watching the zombies walking around after lunch on their cell phones. George Romero's satire was everywhere that day!
- TWD was not the first step .You played in many series like "The Middle" , "The Board" , "Tattoo Nightmares" and more. Whats you highlight so far?
I did a World War II movie this summer (Wolf Hound) and there’s no way that could’ve been more fantastic. I got to film in my home state of Michigan and when I was off work, got time to spend with my family and friends. I also loved working on both Disney and Nickelodeon shows. But, the memory I’ll always cherish is my appearance on 90210. That was my first co-star and the first time I got my own trailer. I was a high school teacher in Michigan before I moved to California to pursue acting and this is what I had always dreamed about. My dreams were coming true at that very moment and that was a special feeling.
- Before you became an actor you was a high school English teacher for 9 years.Thats right?
That is right. I always loved acting, but I love teaching so I’ve been fortunate enough to have two careers that are both made me very happy. It makes me very happy when I hear from my former students (that now have children) and they have seen me on Disney or Nickelodeon. "Mr. Foster, we saw you on TV and my kids asked me why you talk like that (referring to some of my character's voices)." I always have a big laugh.
- Currently you work on "Wolf Hound" ,Based on the real life Nazi program KG 200, Wolf Hound chronicles the story of a Jewish-American pilot shot down behind enemy lines. What can you tell us about the Movie and your role as Captain Werner?
The movie is going to look like a $200 million Blockbuster. All of the shots are real and all of the stones are practical effects. I have seen some of the early footage and this is absolutely a World War II movie that people are going to want to see. Timothy Ritchey wrote some intense scenes for me and the director, Michael B. Chair, was such a wonderful director. Not only does he have an eye for incredible visual storytelling, he was an actors director! As far as my character goes, don’t expect to like me a whole lot. :-)
- Is there a role or series you would love to work on in the future or an actor/actress?
I am so lucky that I have been able to work on two big parts of my childhood (GI Joe and TWD). I am currently working on finding the right role in the comic-book genre. I was fortunate enough to read for Cable in Deadpool 2 as well as Robotman in the upcoming Doom Patrol, so something along those lines would be fantastic. I grew my hair long to get more roles as Vikings, gladiators, etc. I know it’s too late now, but Game of Thrones, Vikings, and any action type drama would all be labors of love. I am confident something great is coming because my agent Joe Florance (Circle of 10 Talent) and my manager Bennie Taylor (Jon Tomus Talent) are working hard in Hollywood and Atlanta to make things happen. I am beyond fortunate to have them on my team, so expect something big in 2019.
- Are you currently working on anything interesting Movie or Series
that you can reveal?
I am filming this week as a guest star on Fox's Lethal Weapon series.
- At the last some words to your fans?
This is a crazy business, but it’s also the most rewarding when you have the ability to make people smile. I am so grateful for my fans, because without them, I would not get to do what I love. This is why I always take time to stop and take pictures, sign autographs and talk to my fans. I go back to my hometown every year for the Monroe Pop-Fest (My long-time friend Gary Pillette has created Michigan's best pop-culture/comic book expo) and I have been traveling on the romance-genre expo circuit with Period Images, so I hope to see more of my fans in the coming year. Thank you Bernd for the opportunity to give a little glimpse of who I am to my German fans and they can keep up with my career and follow me at MICHAELWAYNEFOSTER.COM.
- Thank you Michael Wayne Foster and i hope to meet you one day in germany.
I can't wait to come back to Germany so I’ll meet you at Lowenbrau in Munich!!
Michael Wayne Foster Interview