Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Pixie Le Knot Interview - Between Dinklage and the Devil Inside
Pixie Le Knot is one of the most flexible contortionists in the UK. She performs the most extreme and amazing backbends which very few other british contortionists are able to achieve.
Thank you Pixie Le Knot for your time for this Interview.
You plays in HBO’s Game Of Thrones Kayla, one of the "joy ladies" Tyrion Lannister gives Podrick Payn as a special Thank you. How did you get this role?
I got cast in Game Of Thrones about two and a half years ago. I was extremely lucky as they got in contact with me as they were looking for a contortionist and they offered me the role.
What can you say about your short work with one of the Fan favorites Peter Dinklage?
The spot is here in the showreel: ---->
Peter Dinklage is amazing to work . He is extremely funny, kind, caring and down to earth. He was always making sure I was okay. I worked with him in the brothel scene and again in the purple wedding scene.

This is not the only spot you have. You work for many things,also you Appeared in Paramount’s horror movie ‘The Devil Inside’ in the Hospital scene. What can you tell us about this?
<----- Here the Video:
I filmed The Devil Inside over three years ago now and it was my first ever filming job. I was again extremely lucky as the studio got in touch with me as they were looking for a contortionist in Europe.
I loved the experience so much. It inspired and motivated me to take my career into television and film more.

Pixie how many do you train to be this awesome flexible Lady?
I don't train so much any more. I spent a couple of years training everyday for several hours but now my flexible remains the same and I don't need to stretch. I still enjoy practicing partner acrobatics and also love training at the gym.
What do you do right now? Some new spots?
I have a new horror film 'It Never Sleeps' which will be coming out shortly. I play a creepy ghost girl called Chrissie.
I also played a major role in 'My Feral Heart' which is a feature about a young man with Down Syndrome. I am not allowed to say too much about my role as I can't ruin the plot but it is very exciting! It should be released at the end of March.
I will be appearing on 'Get Your Act Together' on ITV1, Sunday 8th February at 7pm. I spent a few weeks teaching contortion to Roxy Shahidi who plays Leyla in Emmerdale. The training process and our final performance will be shown.
Along with this I am still regularly performing contortion and acrobatics. I also regularly appear in music videos, virals and commercials etc.
At the last somthing to say to your Fans?
Thanks for all the lovely messages and tweets, it makes me smile everyday. Hope to see you at some comicons this year.

Visit Pixie Le Knot on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pixie-Le-Knot/138754492872676?fref=ts
Homepage: http://www.pixieleknot.co.uk/