Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Rick Shoemaker Interview - The Walking Dead - Savior Dino / Walker
- Thank you Rick Shoemaker for your spontaneous commitment for the Fans of The-Entertainment-junkie.de
Thank you very much for your interest and your work.
- How did you get your role´s in the AMC Series The Walking Dead ?
A friend of mine played a couple of really recognizable walkers on the show and he knew how much I loved horror movies and knew I had a background in acting, so he recommended me to the casting agency that handles the extras for the show. I sent them a couple of pictures of me and they contacted me shortly after for Episode 1 of Season 7. That led me to working Seasons 8 and 9 as well.
- Rick , did you watch the show or read the graphic novel, prior to your casting to The Walking Dead?
> Yes, I was familiar with the graphic novels and was very excited when I heard they were turning it into a tv show.
- When you watched TWD the first time do you ever think that you will be a part in this series some day?
> Playing a monster on tv or film was something I have wanted to do since I was a kid. I never imagined it would be on a show that I was that big a fan of.
- Working in The Walking Dead will be a dream for every
TWD Fan, what can you say about working with some of this guys?
> Everyone involved on the show, from the crew to the actors, are really amazing to be around. They take care of everyone on set, treat you like family, and do amazing work. It’s awesome to get to see the actual locations and action and then see the final results and how different it appears on tv.
- You work as Savior called Dino and as differnt Walker. How much has the series The Walking Dead influenced your life? Can you go outside unrecognized ?
> Being on the show has not really changed anything for me other than just being a great experience to do cool work, meet really talented people, and test my ability to endure oppressive heat and sweating. No one ever recognizes me from the show and that is perfectly good with me. I prefer to do makeup effects style performances.
- I saw on Facebook that you work in "lodge 49" ,thats right?
> Yes. Lodge 49 is a great show and I am honored to say I got to work as a lodge member on Seasons 1 and 2.
- Is there a dreamrole or actor/actress you would love to work in/with?
> So many!! David Lynch and David Cronenberg are two directors I love and were first to come to mind.
- Are you currently working on anything interesting Movie or Series outside "The Walking Dead" that you can reveal?
> I did, just recently, do some zombie work on Zombieland 2 coming out in October 2019.
- Rick you not only an actor , you also play in a Band? What can you tell us about?
> I am a vocalist, drummer, and percussionist. I play in a few bands around Atlanta as well as sub for various drum fill ins and freelance for recording sessions and multiple projects. I have been in an original band called Janah since 1999 and we have multiple albums on iTunes. Janah has a definite “world music” influence, using instruments from around the globe but with strong pop sensibilities. It’s kind of a cross between Peter Gabriel and U2.
- Is there anything else you would like to let The Walking Dead Fans and your fans know?
> Just a thank you for the kindness and a nod to all those that love the magic of f/x gore and horror movies.
- Thank you Rick Shoemaker for your time and i hope to see you one day in Germany