Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Ron Roggé - Interview with "Captain William Mitchell"
"Today my guest is Ron Roggé
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, raised in Alameda, California, and trained primarily in Theater in the San Francisco Bay Area, performing in over 75 plays and/or musicals before moving to Hollywood, and attaining his 1st ever TV credit. He now has over 100 episodes of Television, and dozens of movies to his credit."
- "Thank you Ron Roggé for your time for this interview."
Thank you Bernd, I'm flattered to have you consider me and my career as a subject of interest in Germany!
- "You started your career on TV , when i look on IMDb, 1991 in "Dying Young" with Julia Roberts, is that's right?"
Wow! I had to refer to that website to confirm the information.... it's been awhile! That credit is listed first, but that was a feature film directed by Joel Schumacher. So technically, that wasn't a TV show, and thus, not part of "career on TV". As an 'Academy of Television' member (since 2000), we do designate the different between TV and Film work. Basically, my Academy votes on the Emmy Awards, and the 'Academy of Motion Picture' members vote on films and the Oscars.
I do remember my TV "break" was a show called 'What Happened?", a documentary, re-enactment show about the mysterious explosion of ship that truly occurred. I was a background actor playing a ship's crewman. A former ship's captain, was a consultant on set, pointed to me and said to the director "This guy over here would repeat and bark out certain commands from the captain"! I ended up saying them, and they became the first lines I ever spoke on television!!
- "Ron , many Fans know you as "Captain William Mitchell" in 'Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue', what can you share with us when you look back at all the time in the Power Rangers Universe?"
I remember my Power Ranger days fondly. It was one of my first acting jobs where I had a chance to do more than one episode of a show.... but 40 of them?! It was a chance to "live" in a character for a year, and that was an actor dream come true! Beyond that, I felt the responsibility of playing an hero character in which kids identified. Earlier on, we as a cast, were asked to meet children who were suffering from life threatening conditions thru the "Make-a-wish" foundation. It was these kid's biggest dream being granted, and that wish was to meet us. Meeting those kids, seeing those faces light up as they recognized us, and what that meant to them....
Life Changing.
- "2016 you played a role in season 1 of "Stranger Things" as State Trooper O'Bannon, what can you tell us about it?"
I shot "Stranger Things" a full 7 months before it aired and it was just another acting job I was happy to book. We had no clue as to what the success of the series would be! I specifically remember that it was in the middle of winter, because the day before I shot, while going thru wardrobe choices, I was handed a diver's wet suit to try. That was the first time I realized I was going to be the lone police officer who was pulling the kid's body from very cold water, at the bottom of a quarry, in Atlanta, at night, in December. But, my fondest memory was working with David Harbour (who'd go on to play 'Hellboy') in performing our semi-famous Bar Scene, which culminated in him beating me to a pulp in the alley. Fun stuff!
- "Ron, in all your years as Actor you played in so many series like "Criminal Minds" , "Sleepy Hollow" , "American Horror Story: Hotel"..... When you look back at your roles, could you Describe memorable characters you played?"
Power Rangers was certainly memorable as I stated before, but here are 5 others that stand-out....
--- The pilot for Amazon's "Man in the High Castle" as the Highway Patrol officer in the iconic scene with the ashes of bodies falling down like rain as he remains passive and even accepting...
--- "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" playing one of my first, of what would be a career of cop roles, and getting a chance to act with friends Sarah Michelle Gellar and Eliza Dushku. It was also one of my first early roles, so one of my favorites!
--- Beyonce's movie "Obsessed" as the 'drunk in the bathroom' with first time movie lead, Idris Elba & "Heroes' star 'Ali Larter'... just ridiculous fun on the Sony lot!
--- "Modern Family" selling a Baseball Card in a parking lot to comedy genius Ty Burrell, and almost getting tasered by Rico Rodriguez.
--- "Hap and Leonard" playing 'Hap's Father' throughout season 1. Shot it in Baton Rouge, Louisiana & meeting some incredible, life-long friends.
- "You are not only an actor, you are a Director, Producer, Writer and more. What was your personal favorite of your jobs?"
Directing. I spend a lot of time with actors, coaching, directing and taping them for their own auditions as well. I really enjoy it and love it when the book work. I'm currently seeking and considering projects to direct as well! I can't get enough.
- "Is there a role or series you would love to work on in the future?"
Sure, as a fan of Horror, Sci-Fi, and Westerns, anything in these genres would be great! My TV shows choices would include "The Walking Dead", "Star Trek: Discovery", "Oreville", etc., and feature films of the same types. And despite the fact that I've done quite a few dramas, I consider myself a funny guy, so I'd also love the opportunities to be in Comedies.
- "What will we see you in next? On IMDb have some Pre- and post productions, but is there something you can share with us?"
There are things not posted and in some cases, I have signed non-disclosures, so can't speak about some things. But, I just finished a number of episodes for "13 Reasons Why" in season 3, and I just got booked to shoot a Korean Film that will be shooting Australia & Korea towards the end of the year 2019 or Jan 2020. Also, I have done supporting roles in 3 indie films, "Black Flowers", "Heirlooms" and "Prep Z", which will hopefully find their way out to the public whether it's in film festivals or on some other viewing platform.
- "At the last Ron Roggé, can you say some words for the Power Rangers Germany, your Fans in Germany and the world?"
As someone who ethnic background is half German and half Italian, I'd love to say Hello to my not-so-distant relatives from Germany, especially from the Black Forest and Munich areas!! I've enjoyed my time there, and is such a beautiful country, with kind people, and GREAT BEER!
And in my words for the world: Let's learn and teach each other, to live in Love & Understanding of each other from all corners of the planet!
Is that so much to ask?
- "Thank you being my guest and i hope to see you one day in Germany."
YES, PLEASE!!! Thank You.