Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Ring Name: S.O.S.
Date of birth: May 22
Height: 5'7"
Birth place: Pomona, CA
Debut: August 2021
Trained by: Lawrence Tyler, Mystiq, Charles "R3" Cassius
Finishers/ Signature Moves: Joybuzzer (Flatliner), Silent Key (Back Suplex), Soul's End (Full Nelson Suplex)
Homepage: Twitter: @saveonessoul
Facebook Page: S.O.S.'
Facebook Profile: Sos Sos
- Thank you for your approval for this interview for the "Pro Wrestling Interview Series Tour 2022".
Of course! Thank you for having me!
- Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
My first encounter with wrestling that I can recall was back when I was in elementary school when I would watch wrestling with my younger brother and enjoyed the flips and suplexes and also some of the gear the wrestlers wore. I'm an artistic person, so my eyes usually pay attention to the color of clothes for gear and how they complement each other.
- Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
I got into pro wrestling as a profession when I kind of started going to local events myself in college. I enjoyed every bit of it and kind of realized that I wanted to be part of something like that. I also watched when the "Divas Revolution" era in WWE began when Charlotte, Sasha, and Becky came up from NXT and I felt like given how I look that I could have a chance and if I worked hard enough I could being up on the big stage and do something I love, which is pro wrestling.
- Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
I did basketball and soccer as a kid as well as Karate, and some MMA growing up.
- Can you still recall your first training sessions?
I definitely can recall it! I was nervous at first because there were only, at the time, two other girls in the group and I didn't know a single person. I met my trainer, Lawrence Tyler (LT), and I then started to learn to do basic rolls and how to do hindu squats. From there, I was taught locking up and bumping and that was the true test to see if I could stick around. That was the first day. From there I started learning to take bumps properly, running the ropes, and taking moves like suplexes, sidewalk slams, body slams, and even being thrown off the top rope! The two weeks were a true test on if I could stick around and I did!
- How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
My first match was at a student showcase and I remember there being a TON of people and I was in a mixed tag. It was a ton of fun and the crowd was behind it. The main feedback I got was to get the crowd behind me more as I wasn't totally used to a crowd that wasn't my peers and wasn't at training.
- Do you have a dream opponent you want to fight above all others?
I wanted to face Amazing Kong before she retired and maybe one day if she comes out of it briefly, I would LOVE to wrestle her.
But I think my one dream opponent above all others I would like to face is a toss up but one of them is Big Swole. I've watched Big Swole for a long while and I love what she does, I love her vibe, and I honestly would love to take her on in the ring one day!
- Do you have personal highlights, favourite matches or feuds so far in wrestling?
Me Vs Gypsy Mac. Any matches with her, especially our recent one at Renegade Championship Wrestling in Colorado, have been a favorite of mine between me and her. She drives me to do better and any time I have a match with her, I always have something new up my sleeve!
- What are you doing when you don't stand inside the ring?
Creating art for any merch or in general as well as being behind a computer working numbers for a tech company! Also working out of course!
- When a booker or company from your Country or around the world will book you , where can they contact you?
They can contact me through my email, aeronn13chaos@gmail.com, or can contact me through my instagram. They also can contact me through my Facebook (labeled Sos Sos) where I can be messaged through there as well!
- Thank you very much for your time ,I wish you all the success and especially health! Some words for the Fans at the end?
Please continue to support wrestling, women's wrestling, and I hope you continue to support me through my journey because it's going to be a long and eventful one!