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Interview with Sera Feeny

Bernd: Thank you for your time for this interview and i hope you are healthy?


Sera: Yes, I am feeling healthy and strong. I look forward to what the future brings.



Bernd: How did you get into the business?


Sera: I have been a fan since I was old enough to walk. When I turned age 19 I began training at a local wrestling school here in Pittsburgh, PA.



Bernd: What is your family thinking of your passion for the sport, are they worried about your health?


Sera: People who love you will always have your best interested in mind. For me, the people that know me well enough knows professional wrestling is my passion, my love, and the only thing I ever wanted to do.

Bernd: What is your favourite match or opponent from your career and why?


Sera: The two oppoenents that stand out most to me would be Sassy Steph or Jessie Belle. Both of these women are so far along with their wresting careers, both are so accomplished. They have taught me so much in the ring.



Bernd:Do you remember your first Pro Wrestling match and what was it like to wrestle in front of an live crowd for the first time?


Sera: The first time I wrestled in front of a live crowed was 8-28-2010. I was so nervous I remember blacking out most of the match. Watching the match back today, it could have been worse, it was defiantly an eye opener. My favorite memory of that match was WWE HOF Sunny being the special guest ring announcer. Thats a pretty cool thing to have happen in your debut match.

Bernd: Who had the greatest influence/impact on your life as pro wrestler?


Sera: Shawn Michaels without a doubt has always been and is still today the greatest influence on me as a wrestler. I admire to be like him in the ring.



Bernd: Do you have a funny roadstory you like to share with us?


Sera: None come to mind at this time…. Usually being on the road is me just thinking obsessively about my match. On the way home from a show I am usually flying on the high of my match, and asking others to critique me.



Bernd: Which country you would love to visit next and wrestle?


Sera: CANADA – without a doubt!

Bernd: When a german Company calls,will you come over?


Sera: Sure!



Bernd: When a booker or company will book you where can they contact you?


Sera: or via PM on social media.



Bernd: At the last do you have any words for our readers?


Sera: My only words would be, follow your dreams, whatever your dreams may be. If you want to be a teacher, or an actress, if you want to sing, or if you want to be a pro wrestler make sure you do your research and pick the best route for you to accomplish those dreams. Just know that it may be a rough road ahead, and it may not be all rainbows and butterflies; however, if that is your love you will enjoy every step of the journey.

Thank you Bernd. Take care. -SF

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