Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

The Candy Girl Interview
Ring Name: The Candy Girl
Height: 5 Feet 0 inches.
Birth place: Los Angeles, “Sugar Hill”
Debut: WPW and EWF
Trained by: Brian Kendrick and Jesse Hernandez
Finishers/ Signature Moves:
X Factor - “Candy Crush”
Gator Roll - “Tootsie Roll”
Shining Wizard - “Cavity Check”
Running Elbows - “Sugar Rush”
Bonzai Drop - “Gum Drop”
Homepage: (Facebook,Instagram, Twitter,Website)
IG @_the_candygirl https://www.instagram.com/_the_candygirl/
Twitter @_the_candygirl https://twitter.com/_the_candygirl/
Do you remember your first encounter with wrestling?
As far back as I remember my first exposure and enjoyment with pro wrestling was watching it with my Dad since I was a little girl. I remember watching Hulk Hogan, Miss Elizabeth, Rick Martel, Macho Man etc. Wrestling is special because of so many things but it is extra special to me because I inherently associate it with memories with my Dad.
Growing up in my neighborhood and community, there was so many hardships, so watching pro wrestling provided an outlet and representation of hope that the underdog could beat the odds and things can get better. Now, I get excited about the representation I could provide as a Guatemalan-American and let others know that life is a lot of things, but if we stick to it, it can be Sweet.
also recall being very young, back when the Panasonic TVs were very bulky and popular in the 90s and taking a hammer to the back of the TV because I wanted to go literally inside the TV and be a wrestler. My Dad nearly dropped to his knees once he realized I had ruined his cutting edge latest technology TV with a hammer. But it is a testament to how influenced and driven I was to be a pro wrestler.
Please give us a brief summary of how you got into Pro Wrestling?
I have always enjoyed pro wrestling and did not know there was wrestling schools you could go and join to become one. Once I found out there was Brian Kendrick’s School of Pro Wrestling in Los Angeles, I was immediately enticed and plus I was always a fan of Brian Kendrick. I appreciated that he was not considered a “big” guy and looked forward to what he could teach me because I was not big at all at 5 ft tall, but I knew I had overcome so much in my life that I could apply that to pro wrestling as well.
-Do you have any previous experience with martial arts from before you became a wrestler or other sports you did?
Before I joined pro wrestling, I was always active and participated in many sports. I completed in gymnastics and swimming and tried many others sports like boxing and soccer.
-Can you still recall your first training sessions?
I had no idea of what to expect on the first day of wrestling bootcamp at Brian Kendrick’s School of Pro Wrestling. It turned out that the first few weeks was just building a callous of taking bumps (where we learn to fall safely and protect ourselves). I thought because I am short at 5 ft tall that taking bumps would be easier, because I am falling from a shorter height, but it was so painful. I could barely move my head to the right or left and my brain felt like scrambled eggs. What pro wrestling is is very serious and requires a lot of training to be done safely.
-How do you remember your first match, what was the feedback and what experience did you take from it?
My first participation in a pro wrestling match was during Brian Kendrick’s promotion - Wrestling Pro Wrestling (WPW) in August 2016. I was a part of a Battle Royale, it was so exhilarating and I appreciate how supportive people were and how they helped me calm my nerves. The feedback I received from my Coach Brian Kendrick and Assistant Coach Brandon Rickert was so valuable and continues to be to this day. My first singles debut was with Jesse Hernandez’s Empire Wrestling Federation (EWF) on January 2017. This was different because I was on my own in a singles match. Everyone in the EWF locker room was so professional and helpful and helped me to understand why they have been running for 26 years in Southern California.
-Do you have a dream opponent you want to fight above all others?
I would love to have a match with two people. First, my Coach Brian Kendrick, I would love to be a tag partner with him and hope to make him proud with all that he has taught me. I also would love to work with Dr. Britt Barker. I believe life is crazy and everyone deserves something Sweet in their life so she is an interesting opponent to see how that translates for a dentist. In an alternative universe, a Candy Girl and a Dentist could get along, and well that could only probably happen in pro wrestling ;).