Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Ring Name: Thunder Rosa
Date Of Birth: 7-22-1986
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125 Lbs
Birth Place: Tijuana , Mexico
Debut: November 2014 at Pro Championship Wrestling in Oroville, CA
Trained by: Dylan Drake and Matt Carlos
Homepage: (or FB,Twitter) Facebook thunderrosa22 and twitter- @thunderrosa22
-How did you get into the Wrestling business ?
I attended a show at All Pro Wrestling in Hayward,Ca and they mentioned that they would be having open try outs the next day and my spouse said i should try i thought it was silly because i was so out of shape and i did terrible. I came back 6 months later in great shape and kicked butt in the try outs.
-What is your family thinking of your passion for the sport, are they worried about your health?
Mother is against it she thinks I will get hurt they never let me play sports growing up for same reason. Father is supportive!

You wrestle as Thunder Rosa, whats the story behind?
I worked for a drug rehab facility for minors that was named Thunder Road and I decided to call myself after that to honor the kids that have struggled so much in their daily battles of recovery. Just changed the word Road to Rosa to add a Spanish flair to it.
What can you say about your Coach and how long did it take, that it was clear for you to do the first match?
My coaches are great and very supportive! I really wasn't ready for my first match but I showed up had my gear and one girl was hurt so they needed to fill in. My coaches helped me through that match so I didn't get hurt or hurt my opponent
Thunder Rosa can you still remember your very first Pro Wrestling match and what was it like to wrestle in front of an live crowd for the first time?
My first match was against Miranda Rotten which she now goes by the name of the Fallen Flower Kikyo. I was not nervous working in front of a crowd at all, I just don't have that in me to be nervous in front of others. I love to perform in front of others.
The Indy Scene in Europe is an hard land, how is it at your side of the earth?
I wrestle in Northern California its hard not to many opportunities for the wrestlers in this area. They tend to get stuck here. But lately there have been a few to get out. Only about 6 females in the area sometimes you need to travel far to learn more and wrestle different girls..
Favorite - Reo Hazuki she is so young and talented and we just clicked!
Who I'd like to face- Io Shirai, Future Legend Melissa, and Mia Yim!
And where did you see yourself in 5 years from now?
I like to set goals and one of my goals is to train other women so i would love to be a trainer for WWE
Which country you would love to visit next and wrestle?
A couple on the list for sure but I'll name five
1. Back to Japan
2. Mexico
3. Paraguay
4. England
5. Spain
Not in order but thats where i want to go
When a booker or company will book you where can they contact you?
Currently the best way to reach me is through Facebook or twitter. I am starting up a web site soon but still working out the bugs!
Is there anything else you would like to let my readers and your fans know?
I was like to say thank you to everybody that supports Indy Wrestling it's a struggle and without you it would be impossible!
PS fans- Go like my like page and help me reach my goal of 10,000 likes by Jan 1st, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/ThunderRosa22?ref=hl