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Garry Chalk Interview - Between Stargate and Optimus Prime
Garry Chalk was born on February 17, 1952 in Southampton, England. He is an actor, known for Cold Squad , Freddy vs. Jason and the Voice of Optimus Prime in Transformers. Also is he known as Colonel Chekov in Stargate SG1.
Ok here we go
- Thank you Garry Chalk that you spend some time for your Fans here.
My pleasure I am sorry I didn’t get to this sooner. I was love a chance to get to know fans and for them to know me
- Garry , How were you cast in Stargate SG1 as Colonel Chekov?
It’s funny. I used to work with Richard on macgyver many years ago . And the producers said they’d love to have me on the show but we’re looking for the right part. Around season five I got a call saying we have a role for you in Stargate. I was very excited and said terrific . When do I start. “ it won’t be for several weeks” they said. “ how is your Russian.” I don’t speak Russian . I said. They said “ we know we have a coach for you and you can work on it for a few weeks” we’ll it turns out I could speak pretty well . And the first episode a lot of my stuff was in Russian.
- When you look back 13 years later, how was it work in the Stargate between 2001 and 2006?
It was a very memorable time for me. I was very busy doing other projects as well but I always looked forward to my time on set. It was like family. A lot of the cast members were friends for years and it was wonderful to work with them.
- Is it right that you had lerned russia for Stargate SG1?
Yes as I said I had a tutor for several weeks . I think I was a good student . My tutor said I sounded just like Stalin haha.
- 2001 was not the first time you worked with Richard Dean Anderson, you played also differnt role´s in MacGyver between 1988-1991. How was it work with Richard Dean for yourself?
I loved working with him. He had a great sense of humour and was a lot of fun. I actually doubled him one time in an episode where he made trick shots playing pool I did the shot as I was a pretty good pool player. I have always had a great relationship with Richard . We had the same breed of dog.
- Stargate was just one of many many steps in your life. I think millions of children of the planet known your voice. You are not only an actor you also the voice of so many Series like "My little pony" , "Ninjago" , "Transformers" and many more. What do you like most about this job as Voice actor?
I get to create a character with my voice alone. Doing cartoons is probably one of the hardest things to do but once you get into it it’s the best job in the world. I did my first cartoon in 1983? It was called Hiawatha where I played the title role. I was hooked from then on.the other thing I like is you don’t have to dress up or memorize scripts. Not that I don’t like that but it makes it much easier. And working with my fellow cast mates was a laugh riot.
- In your work as actor you played in series like "Arrow" ,"Blackstone" , "Cedar Cove" , "The Killing" and many other mostly a Cop/Sheriff or an Soldier. Why?
As a producer once said when I asked him if I could play some other character like a doctor teacher romantic lead they would say “ no ,you look like very cop I’ve ever known and you have the cop persona perfectly” must be true because I have been complemented many times by real police officers on how I carried myself.
- Is there still a dreamrole you would love to play in the future or a special actor/actress to work with?
I would love to work with Mark rylance he is probably one of the best English actors I know. My dream role? I would love to play Claudius again in hamlet. I think I am ready for that one now. Also I would love to play Falstaff in Henry IV. Great character and I think I have the gravitas to play it now.ive always wanted to play a live action super hero I think that would be fun.
- Garry ,Are you currently working on anything interesting Movie or Series that you can reveal?
Just finished the first season of a new series called “ Tribal” in it I play the part of the head of the justice department who runs a program where tribal police are integrated with metro. It has a wonderful First Nations cast and European as well . The writing and stories are quite good and my part is a politician . Something I love but don’t play much.
- Thank you very much for your time Garry Chalk and all the best for the future and
maybe see you someday in Germany.
You are welcome . I have always wanted to come to Germany but for some reason I never get invited to cons there. I think I am the only cast member who hasn’t . Possibly because I play a Russian? Hahaa. Any way great questions and I am glad I got the time to sit down and do this. Lots of fun and lots of pleasant memories.