Bernd Lorenz
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Julia Culbert Interview - Looking back at working on Birdemic, I am just so grateful.
Julia Culbert is known for Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle, Beauty Mark and The 2019 Celebrity Experience Awards Live from Universal Studios
- Thank you Julia for your time for the Fans.
Thank you so much for choosing me for this interview!
- Julia when did you first discover your passion for the world of Entertainment?
I’ve loved acting ever since I was little. I was about seven years old when I did my first school play, and I continued to act for fun throughout middle and high school. I finally transformed my passion into my career when I turned eighteen.
- You work in Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle as Kim,How did you get cast for the role?
I got the audition through my agent, Ted. Originally there was another girl cast for the part, but due to certain circumstances James ended up looking for a replacement. I was so thrilled when I got a callback and I got to do another audition for the part over zoom. I was completely shocked when James reached out and said he wanted to book me.
- How would you describe the role of Kim?
Kim is definitely a layered character. The script doesn’t go very in depth about her as a person, as the main focus of the film is more the disaster at hand. Regardless, I designed her backstory for myself, so that I would have an easier time calculating her reactions to certain events throughout the film. She’s definitely a guarded individual.
When she is initially approached by Evan she’s a bit wary of his intentions, but warms up to him. I suppose it's a good thing to have someone by your side when the world is suddenly crumbling around you! She’s definitely consistently shocked and horrified by the events throughout the movie, because even though her life up until that point has been entirely based upon her passion for saving the earth’s ecosystems, she really had no idea what was going to unfold when they began to collapse.
- Could you share some funny, remarkable, weird stories regarding the filming of your scenes?
Oh my, yes and no. Some of them I want to save for the premiere, because they’re just so crazy. This was definitely one of the wildest projects I’ve ever worked on. Just to give you an idea, the police showed up on our sets on two separate occasions, and at one point I had an asthma attack while we were filming and James had to take me off set and to the doctor. I’m pretty sure when I see the final cut of the film that scene is gonna drive me crazy, because I’m trying to ignore my asthma attack so I could get through all the takes, and I feel like you could definitely see that in my body language. (No one knew I was having an asthma attack until after we finished filming because I just wanted to stick it out and finish the scene.)
- Please finish the following sentence: “Looking back at working on Birdemic …”
Looking back at working on Birdemic, I am just so grateful. I had such a fun time and met so many incredible people, and I'm so, so excited to meet everyone at the premiere. I have all these crazy stories which I’ll take with me forever, and all these wonderful experiences exploring the Santa Cruz area. I’m actually originally from the Bay Area, so I’d seen a lot of these places on field trips as a child, but it was so amazing to come back and see them again as an adult. I think I appreciate the beauty of my home state a lot more.
- What will we see next from you? Any projects/movies/series?
The next project I have coming out after this one is a short film called “The Theory of You,” by Rishabh Trivedi, where I’m actually the antagonist for a change. It was super fun to make and I can’t wait for everyone to see the final cut. I’m constantly doing auditions, so I’m super excited to see what I book for the fall season this year.
- Is there any dream role or actor/actress you would loved to work in the future?
Oh of course. A dream of mine is to book a part on Euphoria, I love that show. I’d also like to book something that involves working with horses, as I’ve been riding since I was three years old. I can just imagine how amazing it would feel to film a scene where I’m running my horse down the beach in California. As for people I’d love to work with, the list is endless. I’ve done a lot of acting workshops/showcases, and being able to work on something alongside some of my coaches, like Adrian R’Mante or Brian Sutherland, would be such an honor, as I really look up to them. Shot in the dark, but I talked with Dylan Minnette a few times when working as an extra on 13 Reasons Why, and he was so kind and down to earth. I’d love to work on something with him in the future.
- Is there anything else you would like to let your fans know?
Let us know what cities you want us to come to for the world premiere! I’d love to meet you all. It has been such an honor to be a part of the Birdemic series and it really is all thanks to you guys that there is a third film. I’m so blessed to have been given this opportunity and I’m so excited to share the project with you!
- Thank you being my guest Julia Culbert and best wishes for the future. I hope to see you one day in Germany.
Thank you for having me as a guest, I hope the premiere takes us to Germany and we can do another interview in person. :)