Bernd Lorenz
Since June 2007 Non Commercial Fanwebsite

Wesley Hale - The Walking Dead Interview
Thank you Wesley Hale for your spontaneous commitment for the Fans of The-Entertainment-junkie.de
- How did you get your role in the AMC Series The Walking Dead as one of the Whisperer?
I have always been into the film industry. I was wanting to get into it making props, and doing costumes. My wife talked me into trying out background work to see if it was something I would like to do. It was also to try and network and get my foot in the door. So I started applying to Facebook post about background work and landed the Walking Dead one. It was my very first gig too.
- Wesley , did you watch the show or read the graphic novel, prior to your casting to The Walking Dead?
I started watching the show when it first aired. Then later I started to read the comics, but have since stopped.
- When you watched TWD the first time do you ever think that you will be a part in this series some day?
No, but I do remember they had a contest to be a Walker on the show. I did think that it would be cool to be on the show back then
. - Working with Samantha Morton, Ryan Hurst or one of the Maincast Members will be a dream for every TWD Fan, what can you say about working with some of this guys?
That are fantastic. We adore them.
- How much has the series The Walking Dead influenced your life? Can you go outside unrecognized ?
Well working it made me fall in love with working in the film industry. It has led me to a lot of other really cool opportunities. As for going outside and getting recognized. Well that doesn't really happen just yet.
- Many Actor work not only as Whisperer, are you work in more then just one role?
I was a Whisperer and a Walker
- Are you currently working on anything interesting Movie or Series outside "The Walking Dead" that you can reveal?
I'm a Russian Goon/ Assassin in Stranger Things 3. That was a lot of fun.
I was a police officer in Cobra Kai season 2. I'm in a lot of new really cool stuff coming out.
I play a very small part on the Steven King movie The Outsider
I under contract and can't speak of what I worked on, but once it airs I tend to let everyone know to check it out.
- You cosplay the Whisperer Beta together with your Wife as Alpha. Why you cosplay them?
I have always been into costume and prop building, since we both are whisperers I thought it would be cool to cosplay as both of them. I never expected it to be as big as it is though.
- Your costumes maked by yourself, thats right?
I made the costume. Made the masks and most of the props. It's an on going process. I keep changing and adding new to it. Since you first contacted me for the interview, I have since made a new mask for Beta Max.
- Infront of this Interview your Wife Sarah told me something about an Wrestling Match? What can you tell us about?
We where asked to walk out with Kevin Sullivan at a small wrestling event here in our town. I was cosplaying as Beta Max and we where part of his evil minion. It was such an honor to work with the legend Kevin Sullivan.
- Is there anything else you would like to let The Walking Dead Fans and your fans know?
We love our TWDfamily, and we can't wait for season 10! Dont let anyone keep you from your dream! I've had people tell me that there is now way I'll make it. That makes me more passionate about what I do. I love working in the film industry. I love seeing the TWD Fans and the conventions and talking about the show. I hope some day I get to meet all of you. If you like what we do please follow us on Instagram and Facebook awesomealphaTWD and betamaxTWD
- Thank you Wesley for your time and i hope to see you and Sarah one day in Germany too.
Thank you. It was an honor and pleasure. Sorry it took so long to get back, but I've been back to back filming, and conventions.